In China, with American diplomats something like that was happening in Cuba

In China, something similar to what happened in Cuba began to happen to American diplomats.A photo from open sources

Recall that a few months ago, in Cuba, strange story with american and canadian diplomats who suddenly began to suffer from a mysterious head disease with symptoms serious concussion without visible damage to it. IN The United States immediately recalled their diplomatic representatives and accused Cuban authorities of using the unknown sound weapons.

And now something similar is observed in China. And although from that while a mysterious brain disease has suffered so far only one American diplomat, the US Embassy in the Celestial Empire has already taken serious measures to counteract such an “attack”. For example, all employees this institution is required to be extremely careful in the case of even the slightest ailment – consult a doctor, and in case of the slightest suspicion of a sound attack – to specialists embassies.

Recall that China and the United States are currently located in tense economic relations that are about to threaten spill over into a real trade war. For this reason, the Americans there is a reason, and even a reason to accuse the PRC authorities of “diplomatic dishonesty, “as they did with Cuba, right after incident sending Cuban diplomats from their country.

So far, only one diplomatic worker of the American embassy in the Middle Kingdom complained of a “strange auditory disease”, however already that she was immediately connected with the Cuban incident, unequivocally hints to the Chinese leadership about possible more harsh measures against China by the United States, if “this continues.”

Under the expression “this will continue,” journalists write, you can understand the very mysterious (almost fantastic) sound weapons, and disobedience of the PRC authorities to make concessions to the United States in the field of trade. It’s like a call to the leadership of China, they say, look, otherwise tomorrow the entire US diplomatic corps in Celestial China will suddenly feel unwell, and then from the side The United States can be expected not only trading, but also diplomatic sanctions war, which they organized, for example, Russia …

China has not yet responded to this incident, especially official claims to the Foreign Ministry of the country by the US Embassy have not yet has been reported. We are waiting for the development of events …

War china usa

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