In England, you can now conceive a child of three of parents

In England, you can now conceive a child from three parentsA photo from open sources

The English Parliament approved a bill allowing use DNA samples from three parents in the process artificial insemination. New bill calling so many disputes with the government, as a result, it was supported 382 members of parliament, the remaining 128 parliamentarians spoke out against.

After the amendments are made to the British legislation, England will be the first country to practice such unusual IVF procedure.

With it, doctors are going to destroy the threat of congenital diseases in a child: I use the mitochondrial replacement method, doctors they’re going to inject the organelles of a healthy woman’s mother’s egg, and after sperm fertilization.

Supporters of the bill are convinced that it will help to avoid many incurable childhood diseases and make happy thousands parents. In support of an innovative extracorporeal procedure fertilization was made by genetic scientists and several nonprofit organizations unanimously declaring that this IVF method will allow British women to give birth to absolutely healthy children.

Opponents of innovation insist that if parents there will be a choice of DNA samples, this will lead to birth children according to the conceived “design” of parents. Catholic Church convinced that it is unnatural and at odds with God design.

And here is a British rights protection company involved in various genetic studies and experiments, Human Genetics Alert “warns that the risk to the health of the fetus in this case very large, as physicians completely lack clinical experience in carrying out such procedures. There is also a danger that changes in DNA will disrupt the metabolism in the body of the unborn child, which will further affect his appearance.


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