Health professionals in Germany are puzzled a small village where cancer has hit almost every family. The village Vevelsflet with a population of 1,500 people dubbed the “Village damned “because the incidence rate of cancer among residents 50 percent above average.
A photo from open sources
University of Wevelsflet University Researchers Lübeck, who investigated this problem, could not find any reason such an anomaly, although residents themselves blame the nearby nuclear station and factory, where highly toxic is used when painting ships paint.
Apart from accusing the nuclear station, also as a reason they consider a nearby plant, asbestos slate used to roof coverings of garages, electric smog from power lines and image the lives of those who fell victim to cancer.
A photo from open sources
In the course of the studies, no connection was found with any of listed reasons. Villagers are now asking for organs health care in Berlin conduct another study to get to the sources of the “cancer plague”, as they call it. The mayor Wevelsplet, who lost two wives due to cancer, says, “this as if some kind of curse.