A photo from open sources
In the media from time to time there are stories of hermits, according to of their own will (or by the will of circumstances) spent many years in isolation from people on a desert island, in the mountains or in the remote taiga. 6 brothers and sister Angulo from early childhood lived the life of hermits in the center of a huge metropolis – in New York. For 14 years they did not cross the threshold of their apartment. What “grew” of them in the result of this experiment? It all starts with love In 1989 Oscar and Susan met at Machu Picchu. He is young Peruvian, dreaming of a career as a rock star, but for now moonlighting a guide, she is an American tourist with a turbulent hippy past. Both are adherents of Krishnaism. Young people decided to tie their fate and left together in the United States. Oscar and Susan bought a used trailer and began to travel in it around the country. When susan became pregnant, the head of the family rightly decided that with a nomadic life need to finish. The family settled in New York, where everyone else was born children of couples. A simple solution to the complex problem of a Rock Star Oscar did not, because of which he was very worried. Against the background of loser complex he began to appear various phobias. One of them there was a passionate desire to protect children from dangers metropolis: drugs, crime, moral decay. Oscar solved the problem of how he axed with an ax: forbade children from leaving at home and took a single set of keys. For long 14 years all living space for a daughter and 6 sons cringed up to 4 rooms of the apartment. So that children do not have a desire to leave “refuge”, he tirelessly told them about the dangers awaiting them behind the front door, the evil and cruel people inhabiting the outer world.
A photo from open sources It would seem that in such conditions from children should have grown feral mentally retarded degenerates, not capable of neither analytical thinking nor the creation of associative connections. However, everything went wrong. Mowgli stone jungle The main role is that the daughter and sons did not turn “Mowgli” (in worst sense of the word) was played by their mother Susan. As it turned out, in it was laid the talent of a teacher from God. With every child she went through the entire school program, laid in each of them strong moral principles. Children got acquainted with the world by watching films rented or purchased at discounted prices. Behind For 14 years they watched more than 5,000 films. Guys arranged at home mini-theater, scenes from the favorite ones played in home performances movies. For the production of stage costumes everything at hand, right down to the cereal boxes. Father, failed musician, instilled in children an interest in good music. Escape In 2010, Mukunda, the most decisive of all, managed to leave the apartment and walked through the streets. He home came back shocked. The young man realized how poor and deprived is life in four walls and no longer imagined further existence in the enclosed space of the apartment. Mukunda convinced the brothers that the world is not as dangerous as convincing them father, this is an amazingly interesting place and persuaded them to share a walk. After the first outing, the children were no longer at home. no possibility. “Publications” have become regular. Getting dressed Under the heroes of your favorite films, the brothers flandered through the streets Manhattan Director Christel Moselle
A photo from open sources
Once, when they are dressed as heroes of the movie Tarantino’s “Mad dogs “strolling along First Avenue, on exotically dressed young People drew attention to the director Christel Moselle. She went to them and started a conversation. The first thing that struck Christel was the right one. speech and good manners. She experienced a shock when the guys said that this is their first acquaintance in life! What besides each other and parents they know no one, not just in this city, but in the world in general! Photos from open sources
“I had the feeling that I had stumbled upon a primitive tribe. Naive, gullible, funny, the kindest, insightful and the curious guys that I have only met in my life – so Kristel told about her first meeting with them, – apparently nevertheless, in some ways their parents were right. “Soon she had an idea make a documentary about unusual guys. Parents gave the go-ahead to shoot.
A photo from open sources “Wolf Pack” In January 2015 at 31st Utah Christel Sundance Film Festival presented to the jury its work “Wolfpack” (Wolf Pack) about the family Angulo. The film took the first prize. The brothers became famous. About them newspapers wrote, they were invited to television.
Photos from open sources
At the same time, in the film, the guys do not hide that, having known the surrounding peace, they harbored a grudge against their father, who condemned them to 14 years of isolation. And this feeling is not so easy to overcome. Yes, and real life turned out to be far from the one depicted in the movie. It’s hard for them adapt to harsh reality. What awaits recluses in the future? On the famous Angulo family finally paid attention to social services. (I wonder where they are were before?) Psychiatrists examined the children and recognized everyone absolutely healthy. Each of the brothers began to build their own lives. It is noteworthy that only one of them (Govinda) decided to leave home, the rest chose to stay together and live in the same apartment. Bhagavan dreams of becoming a professional dancer, Govinda is the director of photography. Narayana works in environmental organization, Makunda (the first to “discover” outside world) plans to become a writer. The younger ones only choose own way. About how the fate of the “recluses” will turn out, to judge more early, the oldest of them – 23, the youngest – 17, they still have everything in front.
Life time