In Norway, it rained from worms

Worms fell in NorwayPhotos from open sources of

Tens of thousands of earthworms covered snow in several northern regions of the kingdom of Norway. Specialists were confused slimy rainfall on a snowy landscape.

The first to see this amazing weather phenomenon was a school teacher Karsten Erstad. A man was skiing on the mountain slopes. the coastal city of Bergen and saw a huge snow cover number of earthworms. First, the Norwegian thought that small worms for an unknown reason climbed on ground surface. After some thought Erstad came to conclude that the snow layer in their region is extremely deep, in in some places reaching one meter, so worms are unlikely were able to get through a similar barrier.

At first, unusual rainfall seemed to the teacher dead, however after he took a few individuals in his hands, he realized that the gloves are still alive. Karsten took with him several worms and took them to my friend at the Research Institute Bioforsk. Trond Haraldsen Research Specialist environment, reported that similar phenomena are widely described in scientific literature. Most likely, a worm lifted a certain atmospheric phenomenon and carried many kilometers north of their natural habitat.

Such phenomena quite often occurred in history. of humanity. At one time, rain fell at different points on the planet from frogs, fish, rat mice. Previously, such phenomena were considered certain. mystical omens or punishment of heavenly powers, however in today it has been proven that air masses in some cases can raise clusters of living things above the ground and carry them over significant distances.

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