In South Korea, scientists crossed a bus with trolleybus

The new car drives on electricity, but without wires. Charges through the air In South Korea, scientists crossed a bus with a trolleyPhotos from open sources The public transport revolution in South Korea. The scientists there crossed a bus with a trolley bus, the new car drives on electricity, but without wires. Is charging through the air, FACTS.ICTV reports. 5 lines laid in asphalt power lines, an electromagnetic field arises around them. His catch coils placed under the bus. Thereby batteries are filled that give energy to the electric motor. Lines themselves only 10% of the route needs power lines, respectively a new the system is inexpensive. “After numerous checks, such technology is brought to life. We guarantee safety for passengers and staff, “says Korean researcher Institute of Science and Technology, Yoon Yu-Yeol. First such buses We went to an amusement park in the capital Seoul, and now on the route 24 kilometers long, they were released in the city of Rezine. City Hall rejoices now no gas emissions. And the speed of the new acceptable transport, 60 kilometers per hour. “The goal of our city is so that harmful emissions, in particular carbon dioxide, do not It was. Therefore, we will buy 10 more such buses, “says the mayor Gumi Nam Yoo-chin. Passengers difference between traditional and electric buses did not feel. However glad that the trip does not harm the environment and carefully examine appliances inside the cabin. “I was surprised when I found out about technology. Right away I’m interested and now I’m constantly traveling, ”says the passenger Han Yong Bok bus. In general, after the initial investment, further operation will be more economical, because electricity is cheaper gasoline. And the health of the townspeople is generally priceless.

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