Photo from open sources
Another abnormal phenomenon that on our planet has become happen more and more and more frighteningly big, fixed in thailand. Here the water of the Gulf of Thailand suddenly “escaped” from the coast, exposing it for more than two kilometers. Local the inhabitants have never seen such a thing, even centenarians …
Currently, the Thais, taking advantage of the moment, collect on the exposed territory of the mollusks, while with bewilderment and apprehension glancing at the “runaway sea”.
A photo from open sources
Scientists who record similar “low tide” in the world already not the first time, in this case they cannot even find the digestible explanation as today’s thailand anomaly is not fits into no frame. No hurricanes, no earthquakes in This area has not been observed recently. But even with these cataclysms, water quickly returns to “its shores.” And then … the sea just took and left the coast, and it’s not clear where this happened huge amount of water.
A photo from open sources
Oceanologists are at a loss building one hypothesis after another, but so far do not voice anything, because all these theories sin serious flaws, and scientists are well aware that they will be right there disproved and even ridiculed by independent researchers.
A photo from open sources
However, the researchers themselves paranormal phenomena in confused. Indeed, even malomal reasons for so that the water leaves the coast, there is no Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand. FROM The South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean as a whole just happening something very strange and scary …
And only the local children today expanse – this and they do not We saw the term, but this is all the charm – because the bare shore promises real adventures and incredible finds. And this is necessary be sure to use it until the water has returned back …
Water Earthquake Time