In the American zoo, a female monitor lizard gave birth to herself push

In the American zoo, a female monitor lizard gave birth to itselfA photo from open sources

Cubs of a female monitor lizard named Charlie living in a zoo the American city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was conceived without male participation. It is reported by WTSP.

Three monitor lizards, which Onyx, Jasper and Flint christened, were born in August 2019. Originally by their father considered a lizard nicknamed Kadal, who was hooked to Charlie earlier. A recent DNA analysis showed that this is not the case. All three the cubs turned out to be genetic copies of the mother.

The huge lizard used parthenogenesis – a form of reproduction, in which female germ cells develop into an adult body without fertilization. This allowed her to do without a male and give birth on my own. Parthenogenesis is common in monitor lizards since they prefer to live in isolation and react aggressively to proximity strangers.

Komodo lizards are the largest modern lizards. Their length can exceed three meters, and weight – 80 kilograms. Able to eat animals up to 80 percent of their size own, including buffaloes, wild boars and deer.

In 2002, it was reported that the cub was born to a female shovel-shovel living in the zoo of the American city of Omaha and a long time not met males of its kind. In addition to her, in the tank there were two more female shark-shovels, a male shark-epaulette, and also a stingray, who killed the baby a few hours after birth.

A source

Sharks DNA Zoos

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