A photo from open sources
Muscovites are well aware of either the urban legend, or quite true information that over the famous Vnukovo airport in the region of the same name Belokamennaya there is an air anomaly in which sometimes “stuck” airliners.
Residents and guests of the capital have repeatedly noticed how passenger planes hover near the nearest route, and it looks like this the sight is very surreal and even frightening, as if familiar to us reality crashes.
In RuNet, you can find many videos (like the one presented below) demonstrating this mysterious phenomenon. They were all filmed. DVRs of passing cars. Surely something similar is in the official archives of the airport, but who will share with the general public …
A photo from open sources
But even amateur videos clearly show how landing airplanes “freeze” above the ground, and always in the same place. Supernatural researchers phenomena say that something clearly appears in front of us beyond the ordinary, but many users Russian-language segment of the Network are convinced that what is happening is very rational and simple explanation.
According to skeptics, this is clearly a bizarre optical illusion. Without exception, all videos with the “phenomenon” removed from cars that go towards boarding aircraft. Say, the speed of the car and the speed of the liner are peculiar compensate each other in a way. In addition, their role can play long distance between moving objects and powerful oncoming wind “braking” aircraft.
Nevertheless, does not such a theory contradict the well-known the laws of physics and logic? If two objects are moving rapidly towards each other, then, on the contrary, they should rush past each other friend extremely fast, right? Similar “freeze” effect can theoretically manifest itself in a completely different case: when the car and the plane is moving in the same direction. In a word, the theory of materialists is clearly embroidered with white thread.
What is characteristic, a few phenomena are already known about the amazing phenomenon. years, and only now they are really interested domestic journalists. Maybe soon he will attract attention foreign newspapermen and experts. Be that as it may, many Muscovites and visitors willingly believe in the existence of an anomalous zone and put forward various hypotheses regarding its nature.
Some believe that there is a malfunction in the work of the illusory “Matrix” in which we live. According to others, over the airport has an unexplained movement of air masses, which almost “throw” planes back. Still others It is believed that representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are involved here. And the fourth talk about secret government experiments on non-contact capture of flying aircraft.
It’s a pity that the official materials on this intriguing topic or hide in long boxes, or simply destroyed. But they, surely there are and reappear. At least in this sure those who personally witnessed such a strange phenomenon at the airport Vnukovo …