A photo from open sources
Seismic stations record continuous volcano spasmodic volcanic tremor. Seismic epicenters events are located at a relatively shallow depth of 7.5–9.5 kilometers, according to the Kamchatka branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A series of earthquakes of magnitude up to 5.5 occurred in the area erupting in the Kamchatka Flat Tolbachik volcano, reports Kamchatka branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Flat Tolbachik started erupt on November 27th. In the area of the southern slope during the helicopter overflown volcanologists discovered two fissure breakthroughs with emissions viscous lava. Ash emissions up to a height of three kilometers above sea level. The rumble from the Tolbachik eruption can be heard by residents nearby settlements. According to eyewitnesses, in near the volcano vibrate window panes, electric wires, water in reservoirs. “Seismic stations register in the area volcano continuous spasmodic volcanic tremor. TO a swarm of more than 20 earthquakes, the magnitude of the strongest of which amounted to 5.5. The epicenters of seismic events are located on relatively shallow depths of 7.5–9.5 kilometers, ”says message. Previously, lava flows from a volcano destroyed two buildings bases of scientists 10 kilometers from the giant. Ash falls are observed in nearby settlements. Volcanic ash representing particles of magmatic material with a diameter of up to two millimeters, has a complex chemical composition and is capable of causing poisoning in humans and animals. Ash clouds and plumes carry threat to aviation: falling into the mechanisms of aircraft and helicopters, particles ash can lead to their failure. Last eruption Tolbachik volcano, called the Great Fissure Tolbachinsky eruption occurred in 1976-1976 and was the first in history Russian science predicted with absolute accuracy. Eruption changed the relief of the surrounding area and became the cause of the local ecological disaster in which all life perished in the distance tens of kilometers from the volcano. Tolbachik consists of two volcanoes – Flat Tolbachik (height 3.085 thousand meters) and Sharp Tolbachik (3,682 thousand meters). The nearest town is the city Keys – 60 kilometers away from the foot of the volcano.
Earthquake Volcanoes