In the body of the North American Indians traces of uranium detected

Traces of uranium found in the body of North American IndiansA photo from open sources

University of New Mexico Group of American Scientists examined 781 women of the Navajo Indian tribe and came to conclusion that about a quarter of them have a high content of uranium in organism. This was reported by the Associated Press.

26 percent of women have a high content of uranium and other radioactive substances. In addition, in newborns in during the first year of their lives there are also radioactive substances in the body.

According to scientists, this was influenced by the mining of uranium ores near by Navajo reservation. During the Cold War, the United States actively engaged in uranium mining and then when the political situation in the world has changed, the mines are simply abandoned.

Scientists continue to study this issue, and local authorities meanwhile, they are doing away with uranium mines and cleaning up reservation territory.

ESOREITER previously talked about an ancient nuclear reactor that According to scientists, it once functioned in Africa.

Andrey Vetrov

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