In the brain of a woman found male DNA

A team of scientists led by J. Lee Nelson from the oncology research center fred hutchinson found in women’s body sections of male DNA. Photos from open sources Researchers suggest that the fetal genetic material is passed on to the mother from the son during pregnancy. It settles in the brain of a woman and, according to scientists, helps the body resist disease. Phenomenon, when mother and fetal cells are transmitted to each other, it has long been known science (micro-chimerism). It’s usually negative as it can cause a number of autoimmune diseases. So, traces of fetal cells in the female brain were previously found in mice. But so far nothing of the kind has been found in man. how reported in an article in the journal PLOS ONE, scientists studied samples brain obtained from 59 women who died aged 32 to 101 of the year. In 63% of cases, the DYS14 gene specific for male Y chromosome. Unfortunately, the researchers did not own the data. about whether these women were pregnant, so they failed confirm or deny the version of gene transfer when bearing sons. However, the researchers found a relationship between the degree of distribution of “foreign” genes in the brain and susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease. Signs of this diseases were found in 33 women whose brain was male genetic material was either contained in small quantities, or completely absent. From this we could conclude that the presence of sections of male DNA protects the woman’s body from the disease. However, this version requires additional research. However, scientists make such a conclusion is not entirely unfounded. Current the work of Nelson and her colleagues has much in common with Hina’s research Chodhri (Hina Chaudhry) from Sinai medical school in New York. She previously discovered that mouse fetal stem cells may differentiate into maternal heart cells. Thereby they contribute to the restoration of damaged heart tissue. Group scientists under the leadership of Chodhri also observed micro-chimerism of cells fetus to the brain of mice. We add that the other day it turned out another study that found that an unborn baby affects immunity of a pregnant woman. The result is a second pregnancy like usually goes away with fewer complications since the mother’s body does not reject the fetus, like a foreign body.


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