Photo from open sources
Strange thing, but in the US Harvard Forest, scientists University of Massachusetts suddenly found strange viruses, which they called giant or pandoraviruses. The thing is, that these obviously “guests of our planet” have almost nothing to do with terrestrial microorganisms.
Note that giant viruses were completely by chance. For several years, scientists have been observing the above forest with the purpose of studying the impact on the nature of global warming in the world. AND suddenly … it turned out that in this green oasis there was something truly shocking, clearly from among the abnormal and inexplicable with point of view of established views on the microworld of our planet phenomena.
We are recognized as one of the university employees involved in exploration of the Harvard Forest, ultimately revealed 16 new viruses – gigantic and amazing. In the desire to isolate microorganisms with the goal of understanding how temperature rises on Earth affects their lives, we found in this microcosm such “monsters”.
These “monsters” of the microworld, scientists say, are complex organized genetic information that mysterious viruses Everything else, can easily be changed. Such properties of pandoraviruses look so fantastic that researchers even become talk about the alien origin of these microorganisms. It’s possible that they were brought to Earth by meteorites, either by the aliens themselves (anyone likes it as much as possible). In any case on Earth before such viruses simply did not occur. When they appeared and in this connection, no one knows yet. Or maybe it’s ancient viruses that have been mothballed for a long time ice, and now they “wake up” in connection with the global warming? ..
US Global Warming Viruses