In the morning I got up, turned on the computer and looked at something what he saw at night in a dream

In the morning he got up, turned on the computer and looked at what he saw at night in a dreamA photo from open sources

It is to this that science is moving, that is, it seeks to provide a person the ability to view dreams on a computer or tablet.

To date, advances in scientific understanding dream techniques are still small, scientists can reproduce the most simple graphic images taken from the work of the brain. However, as they say, the trouble is great – the beginning. Scientists believe that after five years, or even earlier, they will be able to “get” dreams, like all other figurative thoughts of man – modern computer technology allows you to move in this direction quite successfully.

For example, Japanese scientists ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories have already grasped the main thing – they “extracted” some of the simplest images from the human brain and visualized them. Such a “visual reconstruction of brain images using multistage combinations decoders “was described recently in the journal Neuron.

The technology is quite complicated, so specialists are better off read an article in a magazine yourself. The main principle of this extraction is based on contrasting and processing all kinds of states of each pixel of a 3D picture.

The result obtained is very important: the ability to visualize from brain is what a man saw. This was done for the first time, therefore Japanese scientists can be congratulated on such a scientific achievement.

When a person looks, researchers explain, his retina eyes, any image encodes in the form of electrical impulses that then enter the brain. Visualization of what the brain sees in a dream – the same process, just the opposite, that is, the existing ones electrical impulses are converted into an image, which can then be play on a computer monitor.

Japanese researchers almost for the first time succeeded graphically reproduce brain signals, that is, reconstruct what what a person sees. Reconstruct and burn to electronic carrier.

So the day is not far off when we can view our dreams, analyze them, compile a file of dreams, send your best dreams to friends or share them on social networks, and also create documentary and even art films.

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