A photo from open sources
With the arrival of heat, residents of the Novokubansky district in Krasnodar the region discovered an interesting entertainment. The children here teenagers and adult lovers of extreme pastime began to come to the Kuban river in order to ride on a kind natural carousel.
Extraappearance of water anomaly
On melted ice, an even circle with a diameter unexpectedly formed about eight meters, which continuously rotates under the influence of currents, however, does not float down the river.
The edges of a thick block of ice are measured with jewelry precision, like a giant compass. It seems that some the craftsman tried very hard, quietly coming here at night and working chainsaw. However, experts interested in water anomaly, they say that this is not the work of man. Circle arose on the river itself as a result of melting ice, however why its shape turned out to be perfectly flat, unable to determine even scientists.
Many residents of Novokubansk, however, do not really think about the cause of the appearance of a water anomaly. Spinning ice already turned into both an attraction and a tourist Sight. Residents of surrounding villages and cities come here to see with your own eyes this miracle of nature and, if enough courage to jump on him, a ride on such a carousel. One in short, the water anomaly has become a real place of pilgrimage Russians. It’s even a pity that she was destined to melt. However, local residents hope that next winter the ice circle will appear again, and the fun will continue.
A photo from open sources
Eyewitnesses to the Water Anomaly
The first to discover the mysterious ice floe were cyclists, passing nearby. Athletes did not dare to step on the ice floe with with their heavy equipment, however, they filmed a water anomaly in the video and posted the video on YouTube. Record fast scattered across the World Wide Web, calling among the users of the Network heated debate about the nature of the amazing phenomenon. Alone Internet patrons speculate that the cause may be an underwater funnel. Others are convinced that this is a workshop. hoax, and still worked on an ice floe with a chainsaw. Third blamed for all the aliens. But in any case, all viewers agreed in the opinion that the Russian water anomaly looks unusual and mysterious, while possessing some inexplicable appeal.
It is noteworthy that Novokubansk itself is considered a place abnormal and poorly understood. Electronics often junk here, and compasses in some places literally go crazy starting spin like propellers. Does this relate to the described mysterious event? Say for sure, unfortunately, no one condition.