In the photo of the full moon, a woman saw a face your beloved dog

In the photo of the full moon, a woman saw the face of her beloved dogA photo from open sources

Unfortunately, the canine age is much shorter than the human one, and therefore, when the beloved dog of 50-year-old british donna mortlock nicknamed jack Russell died at 19, that is, by the standards of this animal in deep old age, the woman’s grief knew no bounds.

It’s like I’ve lost my dearest and dearest child, says Donna, you see, I have two sons, one of them even Jack too (the dog was named after him), but sons become adults and leave not only the house, but at some degrees and mother’s heart. And Jack Russell remained until the last days for me a small, very attached to me “child.” And when before Christmas she didn’t, for me it was not just a loss, but a real tragedy.

A photo from open sources

However, the full moon that soon followed Christmas Christ, Donna Mortlock went out into the fresh air and took a picture perfectly round heavenly body. And here’s what came of it, says the British:

I don’t even know what made me do this photograph, because at that moment I was so saddened by the loss of Jack Russell, that even the beauty of the moon caused me only tears. But when I looked at the shot, then I was literally shocked – with the screen of the smartphone my favorite dog looked at me, as if watching beyond my grief, a little hiding behind the clouds. I even catch in the photo his sad eyes, just as they were in the last minutes before passing away.

The woman immediately sent a unique picture to her sons – Billy and Jack, they also ran outside to see her beloved the dog of his virginity, but in heaven there was nothing like it already: the dog’s ghost has disappeared …

A photo from open sources

This story soon reached the journalists of the English newspaper Daily Mail Online, and the photo itself, published on social networks The Internet, to the surprise of Donna herself, has become viral. But this is far not accidentally, because many people in Foggy Albion, and indeed the world as a whole, with the same pain and bitterness, part with their favorite pets, because their age is short or for some other For reasons they die even before the due date. That is the story Dog Jack Russell is very in tune with the experiences of many residents our beautiful planet. And therefore, despite the allegations incorrigible skeptics who did not see on this mystical photographs are nothing but a para-idol illusion, almost everything World Wide Web users agreed with the British – yes, this is with her beloved dog looked at her in heaven …

Currently, a puppy named Donna Mortlock has appeared in the house. Taz, although he is automatically called the second Jack Russell. By at least the woman really hopes that this dog somehow will calm her and gradually replace the longing for the dead from her heart Jack Russell.

Moon dogs

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