In the UK began to breed weather pigeons

In the UK, began to breed weather pigeonsA photo from open sources

The main difficulty for weather forecasters was from the very the formation of this service (and still remains, despite the whole technological progress) is the collection of meteorological data.

Probably everyone represents (at least a little) modern weather station equipped with all kinds of devices and technical up to the means of receiving data from space satellites. Nevertheless, we all know how often mistaken weather workers in their forecasts, and British weather forecasters, who, by the way, were the first to collect weather information (first for their navy), as soon as they do not criticize and ridicule, from journalistic feuilletons to witty jokes.

Maybe that’s why (or maybe not) Birmingham engineers University of Misty Albion dealing with issues improve the weather service of the country, we decided to bring to this “live” and very fine work – pigeons. That’s what told reporters Team Leader Rick Thomas:

So far, we have selected five for this important work. pigeons. All of them are equipped with special sensors, very light, which do not prevent the birds from flying and feeling free (not more than 2-3 percent of the weight of the pigeon). Pigeons have committed more forty flights and showed just great results to collect information. Their common way to cover the territory The research was about a thousand kilometers.

We clarify that the cost of the sensor installed on each bird, does not exceed three hundred US dollars. As the researchers calculated, it is at least ten times cheaper than the traditional collection meteorological data and also almost ten times more efficient. So hardworking and well trained pigeons yet will serve people, if not in postal affairs, as once, then in meteorological for sure …

Great Britain

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