In the United States, a child was born with the rarest anomaly

A child with a rare anomaly was born in the USAPhoto from open source In the United States, a boy was born with the rarest anomaly encountered in one person in two hundred millions. Babies do not have a nose, which, however, does not prevent him from breathing by mouth. The rest of the baby is completely healthy.

According to the newly minted mother Brandy McGlatery, the son of whom she and her husband named Eli, is for her the most beautiful man in the world, and no deviations in the appearance of the child able to weaken her motherly love.

Doctors told the woman that this phenomenon in medicine called nasal agenesis or congenital arinia. Despite lack of a part of the person responsible for breathing and smell, boy immediately began to breathe through his mouth and currently feels good. The baby, however, was hospitalized in a special hospital “Children’s and Women’s Hospital” where he will be looked after experts. In theory, if Eli cries too much, he could do not get enough oxygen, so doctors try to do everything so that the boy is in a calm state.

The first case of nasal agenesis was officially recorded eighty four years ago. Since then global medicine only forty-three patients suffering from this have documented disorders

At the initial stage of life, the disease is especially danger, since crying and feeding your baby can lead to irreparable consequences.

Eli’s parents refused to give the boy a plastic operation. According to them, the son must be of legal age and decide for himself whether he needs it or not.


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