A photo from open sources
Mass extinction of bees in the United States has already begun several years ago, but now this problem has escalated to the limit. Suffice it to say that for the year (from spring past to spring present) almost forty percent of these irreplaceable assistants to farmers.
True, bees do not die evenly: in some states, like, say Oklahoma, nearly seventy percent died out altogether insects, and in the Hawaiian Islands – no more than thirteen percent. In total, four hundred thousand bee colonies in six disappeared throughout the country thousands of beekeeping.
Experts perplexedly “shrug”, not knowing that and to suggest. It’s even a mystery that in winter bee mortality even decreased slightly compared to winter last year, but in summer this figure increased by almost ten percent and reached that critical peak when farmers are already seriously sounded the alarm. The fact is that bees pollinate almost a quarter of all crops in the US, and since their number drops sharply then artificial pollination companies plants also sharply raise prices for their services.
Scientists have put forward several hypotheses why these insects. Some of them believe that the reason for this was the growth the number of Varroa ticks that destroy bee colonies. Other experts suggest that pesticides should be the cause. class of neonicotinoids pollinated by fruits, vegetables and grains in order to protect them from pests.
As for beekeepers, they are like practitioners who constantly work with insects, do not agree with the findings of scientists about increased the number of ticks, and manufacturers of neonicotinoids claim that their pesticides are harmless to insects – collectors of nectar. It turns out that no one knows the true causes of mass death of bees, and therefore does not know, as with this problem fight.
Some esotericists associate the death of bees in the United States with the impending a global catastrophe for this country, in view of the wrong attitude to the world of the Americans themselves, parasitizing on the efforts and even the suffering of many peoples of the planet. Like it or not, but in Nature and the Universe, say magicians and seers, the law works fair retribution, which sooner or later, but harshly punishes damned nations. And the United States has long been cursed in all corners of the planet …
US Bees Insects