Photos from open sources of
In the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev there was absolutely extraordinary happening. At a garage cooperative, located a hundred meters from South Bug River, a woman suddenly discovered an incomprehensible huge subject. Lyudmila Ostrovskaya, working as a watchman, made a detour garages and noticed a pit of garbage dug by someone nearby. Like it was supposed to be an illegal dump. However among such an artifact did waste – a real mystery.
According to Ostrovskaya, she went to the pit and examined it. The mysterious find of a light shade had an unusual shape and, judging Apparently, she had an impressive weight. The woman turned to her to the chief Yevgeny Vorobyov, and together they removed the item from landfills. Ukrainians felt that they had found a bone of a certain prehistoric an animal – perhaps a mammoth or even a dinosaur. Having come to this conclusion, Lyudmila and Eugene called the nearest museum.
Is this really a mammoth bone?
Specialists visually evaluated the find of fellow countrymen and came to conclude that this is probably really a mammoth bone. To be more precisely, his shoulder blade. The diameter of a fragment of the remains of an extinct the mammal is about a meter, weight – over fifteen kilograms. According to preliminary estimates, the animal was sexually mature and lived many tens of millennia ago. However say something with scientists cannot yet with accuracy. They have to carry out a thorough fossil analysis and determine if the bone is really belonged to the ancestor of modern elephants.
Yulia Redko, working in the Nikolaev regional local history Museum, no doubt that this is a fragment of the skeleton of a mammoth. By According to the woman, in their museum there are several mammoth bones, and the found fragment of the remains is very similar to them. It is worth noting that mammoth bones in Ukraine have not been found since the sixties of the past centuries, so we can talk about some sensation.
A photo from open sources
What is most surprising to scientists in this situation is that the alleged valuable artifact ended up in a landfill. You might think, that the bone was simply thrown out along with unnecessary garbage. Unfortunately, identify the previous owner of the item is not possible. Lyudmila Ivanovna, who found the artifact, despite this, thanks fate for such an accident that allowed her to preserve valuable historical and paleontological artifact.
It is known that a unique find was made another eleventh October, that is, more than a month ago, however, its scientific expertise haven’t done it yet. As it turned out, in the Nikolaev area there is no suitable professionals. It is assumed that for identification the bones come here famous Kiev paleontologist Yuri Mikhalev. The artifact can also be sent to Odessa, where experts will conduct bone DNA test. However, with the current difficult economic the situation in Ukraine, it is possible that the funds for a full analysis a fossil may simply not be.
Ancient DNA Artifacts Mammoths Ukraine