Indian authorities warned residents of Kashmir about possible nuclear attack

A photo open source government controlled by india Kashmir’s regions are sounding the alarm about a possible nuclear war. Officials urge locals to build bomb shelters, as well as stock up on water and food, Associated reports January 22 Press Government officials do not explain their concerns, however ongoing fighting in the disputed region intensified tensions between India and Pakistan in recent weeks. In an article in the newspaper Greater Kashmir, the police advises people to build basement-equipped bunkers houses to accommodate their families there for two weeks. If there are no basements, then, according to law enforcement agencies, bomb shelters can be excavated in the backyards. Also shelters must be equipped with candles, flashlights on batteries and radio. A as the police emphasized, sick and dirty people should not be allowed to enter follows. “Be prepared for some initial disorientation, so how a blast wave can destroy many famous and familiar features, “the note says. In addition to India and Pakistan beyond Kashmir, which was originally a Himalayan principality, China is also fighting. The total area of ​​the region is more than 222 thousand square kilometers.

India Pakistan

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