Indian fishermen turn ocean plastic into great roads

Indian fishermen turn ocean plastic into great roadsA photo from open sources

A few years ago, in the Netherlands, scientists presented quite an interesting concept called PlasticRoad – plastic the roads. That is, the tracks can be assembled from special modules, made from plastic so harmful to our planet waste (see video below).

Moreover, as Dutch scientists assured, such roads across all superior to modern performance asphalt, but much cheaper than them, more durable, but most importantly – allow the use of waste that has already become serious a problem for the ecology of the earth.

So, what is next?..

It has been several years, but not one of the leading countries in the world, in including Holland itself, has not yet established road production from plastic waste. However, this idea was picked up by Indian the fishermen. They, of course, do not exactly implement the Dutch concept scientists, but nevertheless, with the help of a unique road construction struggling with a plaque that has already filled sea, interfering with fishing.

Fishermen collect plastic debris from the water surface and send it for processing to a special regional center, where this waste is crushed, mixed with bitumen and put on road construction.

The initiators of the collection of plastic marine debris were fishermen the Indian state of Kerala now in this eco-road The program involves more than 5 thousand owners of fishing vessels and motor boats of India. Indicators of sea cleaning are not very good impressive (65 tons – such a plastic catch was here in the past year), but the trouble is great – the beginning. Moreover, Indian fishermen hope that their initiative will be picked up in other countries, and if a similar program was adopted at the global level by, say, the UN, then people would gradually be able to clear the world’s oceans of garbage that fatal not only for marine animals, but, ultimately, for the person himself. For example, we already eat plastic with fish. There is a double benefit here …

Plastic Fish

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