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A resident of the Indian city of Muzaffarnagar decided to tell the world about his amazing ability. 42-year-old Naresh Kumar claims that can withstand high voltage without any harm the body. On the contrary, a man is able to fully eat electricity. Due to the fact that he is not too wealthy, he it’s often easier to literally charge from a wall outlet than to go after products to the nearest store.
The Indian did not always know about this. Just six years ago he accidentally touched a bare wire at work, but did not felt no shock. Moreover, Naresh experienced a strange a sense of vigor and satiety, as if he first had enough sleep, and then had a hearty breakfast. After that, Kumar began to experience their capabilities by purposefully touching high voltage. It turned out that electricity feeds him like food, charging with all the necessary energy.
Our hero tells us that if he is hungry, he needs only take the bare wires and insert them into the outlet. Electricity passes through the body of a man, and after a while he feels full satiety. Naturally, to any other person in no case try to repeat this! Probably Naresh has some kind of genetic anomaly. Or maybe he is representative of a completely new race, able to absorb any kind energy directly? Is it possible that in the future man will eat clean energy, for example, directly from the sun as a plant, and he does not will require the most complicated mechanism of the gastrointestinal tract?