A photo from open sources
In India, a group of citizens professing Hinduism lynched Muslim for killing a cow. The incident occurred in the financial capital of Mumbai. Members of the local Hindu community found cow remains near the dwelling of the blacksmith Mohammed Akhlak and realized that the Islamist family secretly eats beef, killing sacred to indians animals.
The outraged crowd broke into the man’s house and before death beat him. The son of the deceased, who in further delivered to the hospital. The blacksmith’s daughter tried to stop the killing of relatives, but she can’t save her father managed.
Representatives of the Muslim community, in turn, decided avenge comrade, and on the street of the city began a massive brawl. Arriving at the scene, police arrested six people involved in the killing of an Islamist, although Muslims claimed that in the reprisal against the blacksmith participated no less thirty people.
As you know, in Hinduism, which professes the overwhelming most South Asian residents, killing cows strictly forbidden. Moreover, in the state of Maharashtra, where it happened lynching, in March of this year for the first time in the history of the country banned also eating beef. It turns out that Muhammad Akhlak committed unlawful acts for which he would most likely be awaiting trial and prison, however, the death penalty carried out by the hands of furious crowds, that is, lynching is nonsense for our time. Mumbai law enforcement officials said conduct a thorough investigation and arrest each of the killers.
Paradoxically, despite the incident, India this year became the largest exporter of beef in the world and the fifth country by volumes of consumption of cow meat. So laws like Themis, and morality about the killing of cattle and the consumption of its meat is very poorly executed here. Unclear but why in this case the Lynch trial of the unfortunate was required a blacksmith? ..