Indigo Children in Russia – One of the Legion salvation

A photo from open sources

Nadezhda Maslova from Yekaterinburg is the inspirer of a number of our common ideas, an outstanding woman with phenomenal inclinations and just extremely curious person seeking to unite all for the sake of perfecting and growing our society, – accepted the most active participation in the study of a phenomenon called “indigo children.” She helped me a lot at different stages of my search. Once even managed to break through to the major international scientific and public conference “Children of the New Consciousness”, held in Moscow in October 2006 in the Center-Museum of N.K. Roerich, where I did not dare to contact. Researchers and scientists gathered there only official invitations but hope no barriers stopped. She got the pass and very useful talked with forum participants. Interestingly, the conference was invited one and a half dozen Russian indigo children, each was given the word, an exhibition of paintings was arranged, musical works – in a word, one could personally communicate with any of invited – both with children and with speakers. After returning from Moscow Maslova sent me a detailed report on the conference, but most importantly – transmitted several addresses for possible communication with children of the “new consciousness.” Knowing many controversial points regarding X children, she introduced me to the most interesting statements on the problem of “new” children. For example, opened conference academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences L.V. Shaposhnikov, having direct related roots with E.I. Roerich, said: “A new society has come generation, new person. I deliberately walk away from the words “children indigo, “because these are the children of a NEW CONSCIOUSNESS. There was confusion – compared talented children with indigo children, with children of the new consciousness. Talent and the new generation are two different things. Consciousness is consciousness. Perfect knowledge. Children of the New Consciousness are not easy gifted, they came with high energy. They have a higher vibration, higher tension. When comprehending, trying understand the new energy, nothing happens, except for the arguments. The heart is the place of Consciousness. The heart is an instrument of knowledge. And this characteristic of these children – they learn through high vibrations, through the heart. The main thing in their decision is wisdom, which also is in the heart. Human intelligence works like a computer, but the volume of Consciousness is hidden inside. Indigo children work fully both hemispheres. They interact in harmony and complement each other. friend. Children carry a synthesis of everything, but they cannot carry it in a little box. They are carried in the hemispheres, creating harmony. This moment is connected with a kind of creativity that is different from the work of ordinary children. Their work stands out immediately – they appreciate the essence of things and phenomena outside speculation of the dry mind. A different mind lives in them – the mind of the heart. AND everything that they do, they do through the heart. “Maslova as the artist paid particular attention to creative manifestations of children. She then wrote to me in her letter: “Exhibition children’s works “We are the children of the World” were represented by the children of the New Consciousness Boys and girls, different in age from 8 to 16 years, different in nature. A kaleidoscope of colors just hit the walls of the hall bright fireworks. The children’s works were transparent, joyful, light, generously filled with sun and light. “Little talented artist Grisha from St. Petersburg. Thin leaflet with drawings lines. They moved endlessly on a leaf, like a surface of water – it seems that the water is standing and at the same time it rolls all the time the wave. Grisha began to paint at 5 years old – cathedrals, temples, churches, although he grows up quite a secular family. The lines of the drawing are live. But the secret talent in that, starting to draw from one point, he completely builds a perspective of a landscape, or architectural structure, not resorting to any sizes and measurements. He KNOWS how to paint. When they decided to give Grisha to study at the Johanson Lyceum at the Academy of Fine Arts, my mother presented his drawings. The verdict was severe: “No need to lie. A child cannot draw like that.” “And if it still his drawings? “” So he is a genius! “Grisha is difficult accepted by peers, but lives like all children, and plays in football, like an ordinary boy. Although a genius. Next “Danny,” Nadezhda wrote to me in her message-report, was a boy of small stature, thin, which hundreds on our streets. He stood in front of the hall, firmly declaring himself: “I am a special child, I KNOW this.” Nikita Lavrentiev, 13 years old, city Omsk Nikita has more than a hundred works, there were several personal exhibitions, they strike with originality and deep philosophical focus. “Through the paintings I want to convey love to people. I love kind and helpful people. I love my parents. I want to There was peace to the earth. “He studies at a comprehensive school, takes lessons guitars, has a brown belt in karate, twice champion of Omsk in kata and kumite in karate-do competitions. Engaged in art studios “Harmony”. “I like to draw Temples,” he said to my question. “You Do you invent them yourself? “” No. I’m sitting, thinking about the Temple, and suddenly – once, in a distinct image to the head. It arises as if from nowhere. Distinctly and brightly. “Nikita draws temples, builds them, creating a drawing … by the golden ratio principle. Young artist loves to read fiction, he writes stories, fairy tales. Going to learn English. A big role in how it develops Nikita, with his parents. Passionate people, they are kind to any manifestations of Nikita’s talent and help to understand the world, which opens. “We ourselves must constantly improve ourselves so that to preserve and develop what Nikita was born with. This is big and hard work, “said his mother. … And I turned to Nikita Lavrentiev and his parents with a letter via the Internet. Explained the reasons for my interest, tried to be convincing in his interrogations. Go to Omsk to me, a teacher at the institute, at that moment it was unrealistic. And suddenly I get an answer! True, Nikita is first and foremost asked me to send him my photos: I wanted to make sure of energy in my belonging to one or another egregore. Seem to be, media representatives are too different, rude and peremptory gossiping about a little genius from Omsk … Involuntarily make secure. But, probably, my portrait removed the distrust, and soon the first big letter came from mom Nikita, then the second, third … Each began almost the same: “Hello dear Gennady Stepanovich! With big Siberian greetings to you Natalya Petrovna and Nikita … “These letters are gathered in a story that will go on behalf of mom Nikita. So, Natalya Petrovna writes: if you will, I will write about Nikita what I remember. First of all, thank you for the sent publication about the indigo girl from Minsk. When i read her, as if reading about herself. I just as a child was very lonely, despite the sociable character. A lot of things on Earth it’s still unacceptable to my soul, although I’m already 44 on this planet of the year. I also remember my incarnations, I remember my planet, her the name and even my name that I had there. I remember the initiations and many many others. But I only tell about this to my husband Alexander. He understands me. Nikita about it, I never she said nothing. I believe that the time has not come. I’m just like this girl feel alien on this planet. And since childhood I wanted to go home. But then, in early childhood, I did not understand where. I always meet people with caution. Until I understand why this meeting. But I’m already an adult, and I’ve become much more tolerant, than before. Since I live on this planet, I must accept it rules of life. Although it can be unbearably painful from misunderstanding or aggression of others. But recently, fate gives us wonderful meetings. And people like me and my Nikita, more often began to appear in our lives. I believe before sending here indigo children, parents were sent for them to accept them, help them in this complex world. I couldn’t find out for a very long time what tasks did my Spirit set for me by sending here to Earth. But only Now something has become clear to me – this is when people began to talk openly about children like Nikita. Even conferences are held, and we invite there. My main task is to help my youngest son implemented here. The eldest son, who is now 25 years old, is a little other than Nikita, but … On the day of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our family came another representative of such children. This is his son, our grandson, Egor. For me, his appearance was like a miracle. He looks like two a drop of water similar to his father, my eldest son. Well, by energy – this is the second Nikita. When you pick it up, it’s as if grace comes upon you. I experienced the same when Nikita was small. Well, I won’t be talking about myself yet, because you’re asking about Nikita … He was always different from his peers, different some of his adulthood. He did not need to be scolded. He did everything right. Never upset us. When he was a baby, he sang songs in some of their language in an angelic voice. My husband and I holding their breath, listened to his works. We were filled with some kind of unusual energy, not known to us until this time. He children shunned – after they began to treat him rudely. AND he kept telling us that he wanted to go home. I alone I understood what unbearable flour he was among us now. We protected him in every way we could. Nikita always, from the very childhood asserted itself in everything. Sat a three year old baby for he pounded the table and his little fist on the table and shouted: “Now! I Sam! “I always did everything myself. And when Nadezhda Maslova in Roerich The center read information from him – “I myself” – I was not surprised at this. He lay on the water like a float, didn’t drown, the water kept him, he just lying on it. Everyone came, they were surprised, and he, like a sliver on the surface of the water, enjoying peace and silence. We have all the walls at home were hung with reproductions of Nicholas Roerich. Constantly sounded symphonic music. There were no icons at that time. But my grandmother once gave me a small image of Jesus Christ, which was filled with books. When Nikita was two years old, he somehow I found this little icon, hugged it, pressed it to my heart, he hid in a corner and cried softly. But we never told him about it. did not say, did not tell who is on the icon! And since then, if his someone didn’t understand something, he took this icon, pressed it to his chest and cried. My heart bleeds, looking at this. I tried hide her. But Nikita always found her. He smiled invisible to us friends. I only felt by energy that his friends were from Higher Worlds. I tried not to disturb his communication with them. Cause I myself I have never felt a person next to me who understood would all my thoughts. Maybe Nikita will be different? He could not speak until three years old or, most likely, didn’t want to join us in conversation. However, I will only think about something – and he does it! To me it was very easy with him. I felt the happiest by man. At three years old, we tried to give Nikita to a manger. But he sat on a bench in the locker room all day. And he was waiting for mom. Well, of course but soon we stopped taking him there. I did not go on work, and devoted all her time to communication with Nikita. We had engaged in creativity from morning to evening. We found creativity in everything. And in preparing meals, and when walking, when reading, painted, danced. We had a favorite teddy bear who spoke in my voice (I voiced it), and Nikita with pleasure entered with him in conversation. He always did everything as an adult. Neatly, with concentration, with enthusiasm. On the street, he sometimes just stands next to the children, and as soon as some kind of conflict between them, he immediately leaves. It does not tolerate noise and quarrels. We often at that time could afford to travel with my husband and son. Into the mountains sometimes they left for three months. He felt great there. This is clearly his element – mountains, rivers, seas, nature, he would be year-round lived there. As a child, he understood the language of animals, told me that they told him. Because of this, he could not go to the circus. Resentment for the animals that people commanded overwhelmed him. Once we came to the zoo. He tried to open the cages and release all the animals into the forest, for which we were quickly kicked out of the territory. He swims like dolphin. At sea, I always look forward to when he emerges from water. He dives like a professional diver. Swims with all sorts styles, although no one ever taught him anything. Riding a horse like a born horseman, and the horse always obeys him. At the jump it is as if merging with a horse. Nobody taught him this either. By Climbing rocks, like a professional climber. In the trees – like little teddy bear. In the mountains, in the taiga, we lived for a long time. And when it was time to return to the city, he cried, did not want to leave He understood and talked with animals, birds, flowers, plants, with trees, with mountains, with the sun and moon, with the river and the sea. With everything the world around you! He spoke in the language of Spirits, which is not clear to us. But mostly mentally. Well, I also know how to read information, therefore, I heard a lot from his conversations … And, frankly, a lot learned from him. He started working with an ax at the age of three, as if to him was already twenty years old. At five, he brought down such dead wood that even adult men marveled at his ability. Bonfire he is easy bred already in five years, even in the rain. His skills did not seem to there was a limit. Already in early childhood, he had the skill of an adult men. He simply knew and knew all this from somewhere! .. Nikita saw Angels told me a lot about them. But these are such revelations that I can’t write about it yet. He treated his little by the little hands of everyone who turned to him, and then he himself was severely ill. The pains in people went away – he took them upon himself. I tried it sometimes dissuade, but he stubbornly helped people. He drove with his hands, and later experts told us that he owns the energy of Reiki. I can do that too treat people, but I understand that diseases are given for the wrong thoughts and actions, and take them on yourself is not necessary. Over time, I am explained to him. However, in childhood he could not be stopped – he was so I cleaned people with the flame of a candle, that it was without tears to look at it impossible. He possessed some techniques unknown to me. it they have names now. But then even I was surprised at it to watch. He, like a little magician, mastered these tricks. Helped people. And now he does massage so that after the first everything goes through the session. Even if he just puts his hand on his head, anxiety and pain go away. True, we are not focusing on this Nikita. He knows how to heal – and okay. I think they own it now many adults and children. The biggest trials began in school. But we had a wonderful teacher in primary school, who understood Nikita, which can’t be said about many teachers now, when he is already in 7th grade. Children in elementary school, and then he I understood. Shabbiness, fights, calling each other were always him unbearable. He still has no friend in Omsk. He used to believe in miracles and every time he asked Santa Claus that in the New Year he met my friend. Now Nikita is already an adult and just lives one. Adolescence is a very difficult period in our lives. Nikita closes from everyone. Only as necessary communicates with by people. But there seems to be a gap between him and his peers growing more and more, and I do not know what to do, than to help him. When at a conference in Moscow he met his own kind, his eyes glowed with happiness. He has been reading people’s thoughts since childhood. AND sometimes even confused – what people said out loud and what he believed. At him complete information about everything and everyone. I always listen to him advice in everything. And he never made a mistake. Various psychics he does not admit to itself. Closes so they cannot count from it information. He does not trust them as he does not trust psychologists. They use too primitive techniques gleaned from primitive books, and their spiritual and professional illiteracy just terrifying. At least for those with whom we have encountered. IN school to be unbearable to him. He comes home and immediately falls sleep. And sleeps 3-4 hours. I think so he restores his subtle body. He always says that school for him is flour. Teachers are not perceive children as adults, although they are already teenagers. AND some behave very freely towards the guys. Not they are shy in expressions: they are rude, rude, call names – well, exactly the same, how do kids in street showdowns. And the most unbearable for Nikita, this is when they belittle him. But when Nikita gives his pictures to people, as if it glows from the inside – I see it. He gives them Of course, not to casual visitors. And people take it small paintings, as if he were gifting them with gold bars. This is salvation for Nikita. When he sees that someone needs him, that someone needs it brings joy, it literally inspires him. But the more light in man, the more attacks of darkness. Darkness is expressed in various manifestations. Comes to the point of absurdity. Father gave him an apartment under workshop. So senior officials for a whole year they bother us with various vessels. And in the end they took this apartment away Nikita (she was framed on it). And this is a minor baby! All lawyers are surprised. Documents okay law on him side … How did it happen? No one could help us. Well, we we know what forces are behind these people … However, Nikita is not stops, draws pictures full of light. Now passing exhibition in the Belov Museum in our city. Who happens there right away call us and say: “We’ve got into some other, Nikitin’s world, and didn’t want to leave this world … “And I myself simply no longer I go to school – neither to meetings, nor to teachers. I communicate with them on the telephone. Nikita and I are very difficult. Well, at least recent for example: a labor teacher after Nikitina’s personal presentation exhibition “Under the blue skies” in the Belov Museum, which he saw only on television, the whole class says: “Yes, I saw you, your pictures! Didn’t like it. I drew better in childhood. Go better sweep the floor, there will be more benefit from you. “Nikita smiles and does what the elder says. But I see a question on his face: “Why is he so with me, why does he always humiliate me? ..” Or, for example, Nikita has abilities in sports, one might say, “unearthly”. If he is swimming in the pool at a swimming competition in the county, then takes third place. But he doesn’t go to the swimming section! And those boys have been training every day for four years now. Or when he cross runs, for example, one and a half kilometers, then in a circle, or even two comes ahead of others. And there, behind, were the players, track and field athletes who insult: “We train, we train, and Lavrentyev rests all summer and wins anyway … “Or, to for example, after all the victories in karate-do championships, the teacher physical education does not let him into the lesson: “Why do I need you? Children upset, superman … “And Nikita sits the whole lesson in the hallway of the school. Children in our class have a grudge against Nikita: why does he have everything it turns out, but they do not? Why is he traveling with his paintings, and he is here and there arrange exhibitions? Why with him are adults at conferences treated like equals? Why he himself how is an adult? Why doesn’t hench, doesn’t hench since childhood? Why gossip about someone does not interest him at all? Why is he not sorry to write off to anyone, if he correctly and quickly decided, but to them sorry. Why doesn’t he get into a fight with anyone? Why is he stronger all, although the smallest of all growth? Why not afraid to stand up for weak, although after that it will have trouble? Why is he not supported everyone when the math teacher survived, but, on the contrary, went to the teacher and said in public: “You are a good person. I’m sorry all of them. “After that, many parents hated Nikita for that he didn’t do as they told him – he should have said what a teacher is a bad person. And I often see tears in his eyes at home, after another unpleasant statement by someone. “Who needs this Lavrentiev? We need to get rid of him. Will be here with rush about with their truth and justice … “How many times have they blamed my child is in what he did not do and could not do! .. We with Nikita we try not to communicate with such people. But when Nikita used to read information and tell children and adults that they think many did not like this truth. He and now her reads, however, I taught him how to behave so that a stranger the information did not interfere, that is, how to close it from her, and this facilitates his communication with others. The most amazing thing for me now – this is his look. Purposeful, deep – like a torch burning inside. He’s in his manners now that he’s become a teenager, reminds me of some prince or someone else, I don’t understand. After presentation of the exhibition, several people told us that Nikita, like a prince – so behaves. However, we did not teach him anything. special behaviors. Say he does not allow himself to anyone kiss. Except us. If someone ate it with a spoon or tried it out his glasses, he will not eat and drink after that. In early childhood he told me that he saw this person drooling in a glass. However i I think that he just saw the energy of those people in a glass of water … he always had a great ability to portray other people, play different roles. I think that he would be a great actor. He simply has a talent in this, even more than painting. But we don’t know who he will be. Me, the man who was given to throughout life a lot of information about other people, nothing are allowed to learn about Nikita. When I was forty years old, I visited once in a subtle body in the vault of the Akashic Chronicles – I don’t know, right Do I write this word, but I was told that this repository is called So. And I saw there, how the present, future and past. And as it’s not important, what we do is insignificant here on Earth … The main thing in life is creativity! Creativity is always and in everything. So, I understand Nikita and see in the future as a person creativity. Well, when he was a teenager now, a lot has changed in our relationship. He himself has changed. But what’s inside is fire creativity he stayed forever. I think that Nikita is still us will please a lot than. As a child, he could adjust the performance exercise so that they give the greatest effect and performance. And if he painted, then he entered the state adult artist-creator. He found, invented new details. his picture. Fantasy. I have a camcorder recording like he created his paintings. You just need to see it, you can’t describe it. no words! .. Yes, yes, I made a film about Nikita. Everybody there it is shown – how he inspires, draws fiery to the music of Beethoven ocean. And much more is shown. And now, if he starts analyze events and facts, then spontaneously gives accurate predictions, characteristics – both people and events. Concentration of his it regulates attention subconsciously. Upon receipt of information, which is interesting and necessary for him, his reactions of the mind are very quick and effective. And when he receives information that he does not interesting, especially from the school curriculum, the feeling is that his brain turns off. And the farther, the more manifested desire for independence and independence. Now he has a new hobby appeared – Egypt. He draws the pyramids, sphinx and pharaohs, dolphins, similar to the pharaohs themselves … I look – as everything in the world is changing fast. Everything else … Now scientists appear who are trying to deal with the phenomenon of indigo children. They feel that this is not a deviation in the psyche, but a new one. phenomenon of the era. And Nikita himself is different now. More careful in communicating with people. I think these memories of mine will not hurt Nikita if he reads them once. I agree with you that your Only those who need it will read the book. The main thing that correspondents did not know. I do not want any for Nikita complications, as happened, for example, with Boriska, the “Martian.” After all, Nikita already suffered a lot from rudeness and cruelty people. We are careful now. We have to be like that. I hope so too, that everything will be fine. I never in my life told him that he special. People themselves feel something, see in it, in his paintings. I want to give you some quotes from the book of reviews on his exhibitions. “Nikita, you are smart, you have a golden heart, keep it so for life! Be a winner. “Signed: magazine editor “Omsk doctor” Novikova Svetlana. “I watched an exhibition of works Nikita. First impression – daze, delight, sensation a bright start, joy. Tender and bright feelings come to life on canvases. Carry, Nikita, people joy with their creativity. ” Goloshutina Eleanor, circus artist. “Nikita, it seems to me that yours the paintings are very bright, they radiate light and joy, help people forget about the negative, help to believe in the best. They have healing strength. Good luck. “Signed.” All the best Nikita! Give your warmth to people. You have been given wings, and you can fly, this is the most beautiful what could the Lord give you. Appreciate and keep this gift – because it illuminates our world. “Signature.” Nikita, do not forget this feeling of freedom, which you know, which you feel when you draw. Liberty, love is a miracle that is open to you. “Signature.” Nikita, I wish you stay with the same bright soul. It’s hard to convey everything feelings that overwhelm me when looking at your paintings. I I believe that your vision of the world, your philosophy intersect with ancient Vedic knowledge. Thank you, dear boy, for your creativity, which gives people incredible spirituality, light, energy of love and a sense of Eternity. “Signature. And more many, many kind words from people from all over our Russia recorded in review books, comes in letters … But most importantly, I already I know: I am on this planet to help Nikita. To protect him and help remember what he came here with. And now Nikita has in Omsk A new exhibition has opened. Everybody talks about her – that the pictures heal, that they lighten the soul, radiate with some extraordinary cosmic the light that the paintings are similar to some of the works of Nicholas Roerich. Well, Of course, I know all this. But when so many people talk about it, you involuntarily understand why such children came. They then – so to shine for people, so that looking at Nikita’s paintings, people wake up all the best, the brightest. Well, I’m his assistant. And dad us protects from evil as it can. And brother Nikitin is filled with light and kindly, as if kindness itself descended to Earth. And this despite that he works in business. Although I think this is not his way. However, he himself must understand this. And about myself I’ll say that according to plan Almighty I had to give birth and raise 12 such children. But on The earth spends a lot of energy on survival and struggle. And I have the strength only enough for two. And I’m afraid to become like earthlings. it will be my fall down. The stairs are many, many steps. Like u Nikita in one of his paintings. I know that I can hold on, I know that the dark Forces that pursue me and Nikita from his very birth, they can never defeat us. They can destroy ours body. But our Soul will never be subject to them! I see in people their souls, they often do not match their appearance. I think we are all we come to Earth, who from where, with their missions, goals, tasks. But the main thing is not to forget about it, here on Earth, not play too much human games. Gennady Stepanovich, Nikita is not now may write to you, due to lack of time. He is getting ready for his first exhibition abroad. Well, I think that you with him in the future will correspond. After all, he communicates with bright people with pleasure. And he considers you light after looking on your photos. … I have a very interesting shot with conference “Children of a new consciousness.” On it Nikita and Lyudmila Vasilievna Shaposhnikova and more … It’s just unbelievable! If fate will be pleased, and suddenly we will someday meet with you, I will tell you I will definitely show her. But I will never dare to send such things. I I don’t even show it to anyone here. Those people who saw her … – they such an expression of bewilderment on the face. And when I collected from the Internet information about Nikita at the conference “Children of the New Consciousness”, to me along with the files came fragments of filming, where Nikita gives his “Temple” Lyudmila Vasilievna. There are very interesting fragments there her words … They are visionary, not otherwise. After all this again make sure the authenticity of their own information about why Nikita, well, I also came to this World. In general, our life with him rich in events, you can write more than one book. But no for this time. Need to work, feed the family. We often with our elder we talk to each other in the distance. He hears me when I I need his help. I can write a lot and a long time about all this … Letters also ended the same way – “Sincerely, Natalya.” GENNADY BELIMOV

Water Time Dolphins Indigo Children Life Moscow Pyramids Russia Sun Pharaohs Artists

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