Indonesia drowning in water

Following the United States and Venice, Indonesia has also risen. water. In large cities – Jakarta, Bandung and Semrang drown gradually from soil subsidence. Jakarta City According to Statement Ministry of Ecology of Indonesia may soon be под водой Фотоfrom open sources

Today, Indonesia saves from the water the three largest cities – Semarang, Jakarta and Bandung. These are the “alert zones” that announced Ministry of Energy and Mining of the country. Due to the active use of groundwater, these cities are flooded from sagging soil. In the first place by the degree of soil subsidence worth jakarta. Her record is 10 cm per year. Bandung and Semarang stably go underground at 5-7 cm annually. Dodid Murdozardono – Head of Environmental Geology, Ministry and Reserves Center groundwater is concerned about this situation. According to him statements, if nothing is done, then Jakarta can completely under water. National media data speak of that more than half of the capital’s territory is already lower than sea ​​level mark. This is due to the fact that during the rainy season most areas of Jakarta are flooded. Powerful pumps work around the clock, which try to pump out incoming water. Meanwhile, soil subsidence processes are only are accelerated.

Water Time

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