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Bad sleep negatively affects the whole body: it is not only causes daytime fatigue and fatigue, but also fraught with problems with health. Sleeping pills in this case is not a way out provisions.
Practice shows that the traditional count of lamb is also not gives the desired effect. Below we offer effective ways from insomnia, successfully tested by many people.
What drinks do we drink before bedtime?
Coffee should be drunk no later than 6 hours before bedtime. Do not forget: In addition to coffee, caffeine also contains tea, cocoa and even Coca-Cola. However, doctors say that a lot in this matter is determined individual reaction of the body. Some people can overexcited from a small dose of caffeine, and others after it start to nod. In the third, even very strong coffee is not has a special effect. And therefore, it should be carefully listen to yourself.
Dinner is only light.
It’s believed that you shouldn’t take heavy foods before bedtime, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep, and in a dream nightmares will begin to torment. On the actually accurate data on which foods you can’t eat before sleep, not yet. But you can say what food helps faster fall asleep and have a good rest. Scientists say it first a line of foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but containing few fats. However, you need to eat and drink at least an hour before bedtime, otherwise dinner will be the opposite.
Gadgets – Not For The Evening
Many people in the evenings almost completely sit at computers, smartphones, etc. Doctors say that we we deceive our own brain, “inspire” him: daylight goes on.
It would seem that reading is a tried and tested remedy for insomnia. However and there are pitfalls here. Many read today electronic books. Then at least try to have your “reader” without Highlights and electronic books that simulate normal book text in ink.
Sleep on your right side
The cause of insomnia is often apnea syndrome, in which sleep is a temporary blockage of the respiratory tract. it leads to repeated sharp awakenings in the middle of the night and, of course, not conducive to a good rest. Therefore, falling asleep is best on right side or stomach. Sleeping on the left side is not recommended, because the heart is there (however, it doesn’t bother some) sleep on the back leads to apnea.
Keep a diary
He will help you understand why you do not get enough sleep if the reason not obvious. In a diary, you need to record all your actions, committed 6 hours before bedtime: what they ate, walked or not on fresh air, what and how to read …
Experts say that smoking negatively affects smoking and alcohol. Adults can also have difficulty falling asleep if dozing in the afternoon. It is highly discouraged to sleep at sunset. Unstable mode also does not contribute to a full night’s rest.
Many people solve various problems before going to bed, for example, related to work. Experts say: no important matters in this time to think is not worth it!
But a short walk “to sleep” will be very useful: breathing fresh air, a person easily and sweetly falls asleep.