Invented artificial gills extracting oxygen straight from the water

Invented artificial gills that extract oxygen directly from the waterA photo from open sources

From time immemorial, people have dreamed of diving under water and breathing there. free like fish. But for this, as it soon became clear, even ancient researchers needed gills instead of lungs.

Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev in his famous to the whole world, the novel “Amphibian Man” showed universal a man who had both lungs and gills, and therefore could freely to be both in the air and under water. Swedish scientists today proved that this is possible in real life.

True, the scientists of Sweden went a completely different way, that is, they even did not plan to transplant live fish gills to a person, say sharks, as described in the book “Amphibian Man”, but came up with Triton artificial gills that are enough to put in mouth, instead of the mouthpiece of a modern scuba gear. At the same time, it disappears every need for such a complex, heavy, fettering movement divers, equipment, because the artificial gills are very small and weigh only … 200 grams.

A photo from open sources

Despite this, they allow the diver to find under water up to 45 minutes – and this is without any auxiliary equipment. Itself the device is packed in a heavy-duty and sealed case, therefore you don’t have to worry that it will fail due to any physical damage. By the way, note that the indicated time is only the battery limit, not the gills themselves – they can practically to produce oxygen from water indefinitely, would be for this energy. Therefore, you yourself understand, in the future, when the problem with batteries will be solved, a person can swim under water for hours – until you get bored.

A photo from open sources

Artificial gills are a special filter for extracting from water oxygen, microprocessor, vibration motor and outlet valve with inhaled air. And of course – the adapted lithium-ion battery, which sets the limit of finding modern Ichthyander waters with water …

By the way, we note that artificial gills have long haunted to scientists, however, all inventions in this regard, even the apparatus Israeli designer Boulder, inferior to the Swedish novelty, therefore, we must assume that over time, and he will improve to recognition, turning, for example, into a light bandage on mouth…

A photo from open sources

Water Time

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