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A group of American and British biologists in a hurry to warn the world community that attacked our planet a multiresistant fungus that is deadly to humans. Ironically, the favorite habitat of this microorganism are hospital wards.
The terrible “virus” is not treatable, because, firstly, it’s still drugs against him are not invented, and secondly, it strikes only those organs for which antifungal medications are not act. In contrast, for example, from thrush, this type It is not a temporary, but a constant danger for a person.
A new form of yeast that scientists have called Candida auris, first discovered seven years ago in Japan when she contracted it a woman who later died from a mysterious disease. Since the fungus has spread to India, South Korea, Kuwait, Colombia, Venezuela, South Africa, Pakistan and other countries. Microorganism penetrated even the “impregnable” Misty Albion, where it became the main cause hundreds of diseases.
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In the United States, when doctors realized what was happening, the Center for disease control and prevention sent to every american hospital requirement to carefully analyze all fungal diseases and report immediately if unknown is detected. Tom Chiller specializing in fungal ailments, reports that about Candida auris should be informed as much as possible by ministries health of all states, since this fungus poses a serious threat to all of humanity.
Invincible fungus “loves” antifungal agents
After examining patients infected with this yeast, the researchers determined that the mortality rate of “infection” is over sixty percent. Once in the bloodstream, the fungus spreads throughout the body, causing otitis media, “wound infection” and other types of diseases. Candida auris infection, as mentioned above, is dangerous because it is impossible to eliminate the fungus from the body – for this, simply not there are medicines. You can only artificially support damaged organs of patients in working condition.
A photo from open sources
The danger of the fungus is that its identification is possible exclusively through molecular analysis – traditional laboratory diagnosis in this case is powerless. Doctors are no longer once mistook Candida auris as related varieties of fungi, prescribing improper treatment to patients and endangering other people’s diseases.
Sugar Risk Factors Reported diabetes, surgery, venous use catheters, and, again, ironically, the reception a wide range of antifungal agents and antibiotics actions.