Invisibility cloak for sound: plastic pyramids hide objects

This fancy device looks like a plastic model ancient egyptian pyramid, but this model is actually “three-dimensional acoustic cloak” made with just several perforated sheets of plastic.

sonic-cloaking-stealth-military.siA photo from open sources

Created by engineers at Duke University of North Carolina the device redistributes the sound waves so that it creates the impression of the absence of both the hidden object and the devices. The creators claim that their brainchild is acoustic masking works no matter which direction the sound comes.

According to studies published in journal Nature Materials, to achieve this effect chapter Professor Kammer and his colleagues used metamaterials with light scattering properties with repeating patterns that gives them unusual properties.

The design of the pyramid changes the trajectory of sound waves so that, from the point of view of an outside observer, in the sound range she equivalent to a flat surface – thereby hiding from observation itself and the masked object.

Although the result of the experiment was only a simple confirmation concept, it already shows that this technology – according to Professor Kammer – “May Become an Evil Technology Genius detection. “However, he believes that his method has several potential commercial applications.

“We did tests in the air, but sound waves behave similarly under water – so the potential is quite obvious use of the invention in countering sonars, “said Professor.

“In addition, there are applied design problems rooms or concert halls – any spaces where necessary control acoustics. Our pyramids could help in correction of acoustics defects in such rooms and lowering the level noise in them. ”

article-2579099-1C385DEC00000578-124_634x308A photo from open sources

Pyramids Plastic

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