Photo from open sources
US National Meteorological Service Specialists puzzled the other day when their radars caught an 80-kilometer an anomaly moving more than 10 hours over the states of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. In terms of performance, it was like a storm, however here’s the catch: the weather in these regions was unusually quiet. Of course, there were all kinds of speculations regarding nature phenomenon. Some talk about a flock of birds, others about activity “green men”.
Meteorologists say that a giant clot in the atmosphere had a high temperature and rapidly grew in length, moving on south. “Radar drop”, as it was called by the American reporters, was completely invisible from the ground, and the newspaper men were unable to see in the sky nothing but a clear blue sky. Ufologists and conspiracy theorists immediately stated that it could not have done without intervention representatives of extraterrestrial civilization with their perfect technology.
Skeptics soon found a rational explanation. what happened. According to them, with one of the local military the airbase must have taken off an airplane that – by chance or not – released into the air a whole cloud of pyrotechnic substance under the name “chaff” serving to conceal aircraft from thermal radars. However, the media phoned all the military airfields in three states and found that nothing like that day did not happen. In a word – another mystery …