A photo open source British doctor Tony Kochhar told reporters that since the market appeared tablet computers, such as the Apple iPad, are noticeably more frequent patients began to complain of pain in the shoulders and neck. According to the doctor, his patients are faced with RSI syndrome (“repetitive strain injury” is when from the repetition of monotonous the action of something begins to hurt), manifested in the area shoulders.
Kochhar explained that when a person uses an iPad, his gaze is constantly directed not forward, as in ordinary life or at the desktop computer, and down, which creates a dangerous load on joints. The result can be pain and damage. muscles and joints. If you have already rushed to take your iPad to the store – do not hurry. Dr. Cochar admits that the problem is not specific to this device. The danger is exactly the same the disease threatens the users of other tablets, as well as smartphones and other devices, using which a person for a long time looks down or holds their awning for a long time. It is easy to guess that and with ordinary paper books the situation is very similar. In general, under the frightening term RSI hides a malaise that has long been known to the reading part of humanity, and against which is excellent simple physical education helps. By the way, a kind of RSI “tunnel syndrome” (wrist pain from long work with mouse), which is also “treated” by physical education. In general, no need to throw out your tablet, sometimes enough a break to stretch your shoulders.