A photo from open sources
IPhones and similar gadgets, the favorite toy of millions, going mainly in China and Taiwan, where in factories in In inhuman conditions, the Chinese are working. Chinese company Foxconn, which is one of Apple’s main contractors mercilessly exploits the Chinese working on electronic factories.
Chinese collectors of the most popular “apple” iPhone gadgets and iPad in recent years have become increasingly suicidal. The last time a wave of suicides of similar strength was observed among Apple employees two years ago. Company management on this the occasion decided to raise workers’ wages. What was the salary 2 years ago, if now it is “raised” to 300 dollars, you can count yourself. Of course, everyone needs iPhones! This is a good toy! And who needs these unfortunate Chinese ??? And who needs the unfortunate Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Russians from the depths, working for 150 cu? And for in order to remember their existence, you need to end your life suicide? seize the guard? Or maybe Muscovites will advise that, type to drive them to work? And just don’t tell me that the genius of all time, Steve Job did not know anything – but he did not care Chinese until he himself fell under social hygiene.
Life china