Irish perpetual motion machine and mercury wheel monk’s

Countless attempts to design and make it work like this called perpetual motion machines from ancient years were not undertaken at all by chance. Jesuits, for example, in the Middle Ages, in secret laboratories worked day and night to get from the so-called mercury wheels continuous rotation. Giving a lot technological breakthroughs, eternal mechanisms, without ever becoming eternal, beautiful legends were also born …

Secret Irish “perpetual motion machine.”

Barely Irish company “Steorn” smashed in 2006 around the world the news that within its walls, “as if instituted for ages,” generates direct current generator based on the principle interactions of floating magnetic fields, further details as razor cut off. For inquiries sent to the press service of the company scientists from other countries, the coordinator for Irish Department of Defense Public Relations: Experienced the sample is in the jurisdiction of national priorities, which excludes publicized. ”

The monk's perpetual motion machine and mercury wheelA photo from open sources

Still, just before the taboo, about the mysterious generator it became known that en has an efficiency that exceeds all permissible limits for similar machines. What is the principle inherent in the generator zero fluctuations allows you to receive, as long as you like, clean electricity in truly inexhaustible volumes.

This miniature generator, called “Orbo”, is built into mobile phone, generates electricity five to six times more than traditional. But, unlike the traditional generator, he does not need recharging. He is able to work forever, by the assurance of the designers, “until the details crumble into molecules and atoms until they turn to dust. ”

Attention from an irish microscopic perpetual motion machine in 2006, Canadian engineer Thein Heinz, owner and the only employee at Potential Difference lnc, Specialist in the use of magnetic materials in the energy sector. In an effort to create an electric generator close to the ideal generator, he mated the drive shaft of the electric motor with the rotor on the outside which attached small round magnets.

Here something strange and unexpected happened. Rotor, located inside the electric coil instead slow down, furiously ramped up, burning attached to light generator output. The magnets fell off the rotor, almost killing Heinz, like grenade fragments, damaging the measuring instruments and walls of the laboratory.

The inventor rejoiced. It’s not clear how, but magnetic friction, contrary to the laws of thermodynamics, transformed into magnetic acceleration. Is the perpetual motion machine? To answer such a sacramental question, the generator from Canada was transported to the United States, to the famous Massachusetts Technology Lab Institute. The Heinz device showed amazing results there.

But the promised testing in the presence of leading experts in areas of generating installations did not take place. Reporters hurried call the opening a bluff. Heinz did not react to attacks. There are persistent rumors that he was lured to the United States, where he led a group of young scientists, fruitfully applying his and their talents under the roof of the defense department.

Tome from the Vatican

Tome, stored in the Vatican Museum, dated 1563, contains extensive information about the efforts of the monk Lolli Bara, designed and manufactured wheels suspended by free space on a string woven from horsehair, themselves, not accelerating, not slowing down, they rotated for exactly a year and three days.

A photo from open sources

As the folio says, exactly as much as incessantly they asked the Lord not to stop moving, those who had succeeded in prayers young monks. Lolly supposedly started the wheel torsion three times. The third rotational cycle was the most productive. Wheels whistling, spinning 25 years, already without prayerful help, stopping forever at the moment of the death of the inventor.

Tome explains the possibility of “unconditional” implementation. perpetual motion:

“Mercury, of which hollow wheel spokes are filled by a third, attracted and absorbed the energy of the desires of the prayer books. Shimmering through critical points, this liquid metal elixir was spinning, spit, sounded. Beech tree chiseled wheels, hair string from long activities did not wear out at all. But all aspirations to repeat the feat of Bar, with his death did not give hope for result. Mercury wheels and a string identified in a monastic crypt his burial, which gave holiness to the place. ”

Isaac Newton, in his records of a naturalist, perplexed and in frustration signed in impotence to explain the mercury phenomenon fillers of wooden gears, koi in front of his eyes of an eyewitness, “despising friction and gravity”, without external influence they rotated gears, by no means forever, but from time to time from weeks, months, years. Newton observed this “mirage” in the workshop of the royal watchmaker and jeweler, Jew John Malyar. By the way, a system of rotating gears half a meter from the floor level only silk threads were kept.

At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889, in the pavilion “Palace machines’ excitement caused a German exhibit – continuously rotating around a tightly stretched steel string a weighty silver horseshoe. Heinrich Miller, an explanatory engineer for Triumph, assured that it is a real eternal, in no way in contact with string, unsupported engine that can spin for centuries. The horseshoe really rotated throughout the entire exhibition.

It is also known that in 1936 this “eternal horseshoe” demonstrated in Berlin, after which the designers were invited transform her fantastic but toy features into something useful for the army, navy and aviation.

Alexander VOLODEV

Vatican USA

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