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It is known that the likelihood of cancer rising from wrong lifestyle of a person and genes inherited by him. However, recent studies by scientists have shown that the cause most varieties of this disease are random mutations during cell division in our body.
Research Results Published by Science, indicate: accidentally occurring during cell division genetic mutations are the main cause of cancer and it more important than heredity and adverse external factors.
Scientists concluded: in two-thirds of cases of occurrence cancer is affected by “stochastic” DNA mutations that occur during division cells. And only one third of cases of malignant tumors are the result of heredity or external factors, for example, smoking.
Unfortunately, scientists have not explained why in the body In humans, these same “stochastic” DNA mutations occur. To explain them by chance would be too naive. It’s like say as if a brick accidentally fell on a person’s head. However brick (remember Woland’s remark in the novel “The Master and Margarita”?) never falls on anyone’s head by accident.