Is China again ahead of the rest?

Is China again ahead of the rest?Photos from open sources of

Firstly, the Chinese have demonstrated supermodern fiber optic communication capable of transmitting information from 560 terabytes per second.

It’s hard to imagine what it is, but enough say that it will allow real-time communication at the same time almost 14 billion people! So, most likely, the promised collapse Internet is delayed indefinitely.

If we compare the optical technologies used in the world with what the scientists of the PRC offer, we are driving along a country road by bike when the Chinese version is Seven-lane highway with perfect road coated.

A photo from open sources

Secondly, Chinese experts have already begun to create powerful computer on the planet – “Tianhe-3”, which is in tens, and then and in hundreds of times surpasses (in their words) modern world leaders. This superhero will make at least a quintillion calculations per second, which is ten times more than it does current world leader. Moreover, Chinese scientists emphasize that “Tianhe-3”, will differ not only at a tremendous speed, but also volume and, most importantly, accuracy of calculations.

As the head of the National Center for Supercomputers in Tianjin (here the “Tianhe-3” and will be posted) Liu Guangming, the new computer will bring up to two billion dollars of economic benefits country. With his help, for example, China plans to make new discoveries in medicine and genetics. Its launch is planned for 2020, this brainchild of scientific thought will be fully implemented in the PRC.

Recall that the first such Tianhe-1 supercomputer appeared seven years ago – in 2010, but in its development took participation and foreign firms.


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