Is genetic selection in the future inevitable?

Is genetic selection in the future inevitable?A photo from open sources

As you know, in the process of evolution played an important role natural selection. Weak and sick individuals in nature simply do not survived, dead-end branches died out … Today, leading scientists of the world warn: fifty years later, subject to further pollution and nature destruction gene code “homo sapiens “can irreversibly mutate … The transition of mankind from the second millennium in the third was marked not only by sensation relief from the failed Apocalypse. People suddenly became to realize that they’ve not just reached a dead end, but not really represent where to go next. It is possible that our civilization tired of living according to the social laws that she herself had formed for the long and painful millennia of its development. Tired of living in the technogenic world she had built, in a frantic, contrary to the very nature pace … And most importantly – Man learned “in humane goals “bypass the principle of natural selection. Due to the high the level of medicine today not only the strongest individuals survive, but also with severe congenital diseases, with genetic defects … Chemistry poisoned soil, water, air, monstrous electromagnetic background, cosmic radiation penetrating a thinning ozone layer, – all these factors strengthened the process of accumulation of harmful mutations. And if in nature “mutants” are effectively “taken out of circulation” naturally, simply dying, then humanity has done almost everything in order not to obey natural laws. Famous Russian scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergey Saveliev is of the opinion that in the near future states wishing to develop stably and successfully will have to carry out the artificial selection of individuals who, by virtue of their intellectual exclusivity, and pulled along ahead of all the rest. For this, using supersensitive equipment it will be necessary to carry out the procedure of the so-called “cerebral sorting “, starting from a very young age. Selection of potential geniuses can discover unusual humanity prospects, because these people in the future will be able to become exactly those leaders that our civilization lacks so much … According Dr. Oliver Kerry Research Center Center Darwin Research (London School of Economics) in in the future, people will inevitably be divided into groups according to their genetic features. In this case, individuals from the higher caste will be distinguish huge growth, excellent health, beauty, and excellent intelligence. They will interbreed, improving the breed and developing, while people with ordinary genetic data will degenerate into … ugly dwarfs. Can assume that these groups will be on absolutely different social levels – with all the ensuing consequences. How not to recall the famous work of Herbert Wells “Time Machine” in which people of the future are divided into beautiful Aeloes and disgusting Morlocks? True, any forecasts may be checked only by time. It is possible that the future will still be more comfortable for everyone, unless, of course, humanity destroys himself in the heat of unsolvable conflicts or he will not poison the “killer” ecology. And does not degrade to the level of primitive people, so that to fight again with “stones and sticks”, as once predicted by the great Albert Einstein … And judgments about the division into genetic castes – just another version of the future, which, no doubt, is multivariate. Konstantin Gastev


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