A photo from open sources
Ever since the Soviet era in newspapers and magazines appears information about a gifted child who has become a student in his 12-13 years metropolitan university. But not a single publication thought at least once return to the fate of this boy, ask how he feels himself such a child in the society surrounding him, and most importantly – what with he became when he grew up … The dream of many parents is a gifted child. “Wunderkind” – literally “miracle child.” Its main features – love of mental work and the accelerated development of mental abilities. But who would know what a responsible, binding and far from always a joyful gift of nature is such a miracle! Disabled people Pavlik was three years old when he learned to do complicated calculations, and a little later – read fluently. Read the adventures of Winnie the Pooh and mother’s university textbooks. At five years taught mom to compute logarithms in the mind (neither at school nor at the university they don’t teach this – there are tables). By the tutorial I mastered the beginnings musical notation and began to play favorite songs on sheet music. Then he I saw the periodic table and to the finer points figured out its laws. At eight, he solved a difficult physical problem. She was shown to academician Kolmogorov, he praised: “Beautiful decision. “But to believe that she was decided by an eight-year-old boy in his mind, on the way from school, could not (in Kolmogorov mathematical a school for gifted high school students could do such tasks fourteen, and then not everyone). Realizing that their the boy pulled a special ticket from fate, Pavlik’s parents worried. They hardly found specialists, “clandestinely” engaged in gifted children (dominant at that time ideology hypocritically did not allow not only property inequality, but also intellectual). Tests showed high the degree of giftedness of the child, they literally “went off scale”. Opinion specialists was unequivocal: most likely, fate awaits him scientist and – of course, a lot of problems. The first of these is training in individual program. Parents could not even dream of such a thing, and at seven, Pavlik was sent to a comprehensive school. First the mark he brought was … a unit. Teacher shouts punishment (and the child was just bored, and he occupied himself with his “deeds”), ridicule of classmates: after all, he was not like they … At that recent time, the general equalization of power categorically refused to create schools or at least classes where gifted children would be trained according to a special program: guys, they say, understand their exclusivity, and this is not pedagogical. Then there were only a few physical and mathematical classes for high school students. But giftedness often manifests itself very early, yet up to eight years, and high talent – even earlier. Since not there were other options then in ordinary schools (not in each) practiced translating a child prodigy through a class, two or three. By going From first grade to fourth, Pasha immediately became an excellent student: the fourth-grade program suited him better, although it was also “small”. But then a communication problem arose. Due to the difference in age of such children is difficult with classmates and physically and psychologically. They became, as it were, “communication disabilities.” “The guys are chasing me, I don’t know their rules,” the little sobbed Pasha. Seeing the experiences of the child, the parents tried to occupy him sports, looking for “mates in misfortune.” And they found. Met were friends of families; like circles on water, from one family to another it was transmitted which books are useful to read, which teachers semi-underground are gaining gifted in their classes. Children won on mathematical and other olympiads, at 12, 13, 14 years old, “excellent” graduated from high school, went to high schools. Sometimes they were written about in newspapers: “A student in a red tie …” How was fate Paul? At the age of 15, he entered the university, and at 18, graduate school. He studied easily, enthusiastically. But nature, giving man high mental abilities, includes him in the “risk group”: such people get sick more often. Pavel was cruelly unlucky. He was among unlucky interest established by nature – ruthless the reckoning of mankind for becoming smarter. From the height of success, he fell into a spiritual abyss. Inadequate education system, inferiority of communication, misunderstanding of society (these geeks so strange and uncomfortable!) exacerbated the pain. The miracle ended for unhappy family deep tragedy. In the hospital, Kashchenko knows how dull the heartache. What else does? Arms and legs are whole, tall intelligence is preserved, there is a good education. But work impossible, the key to a great tool of thinking is lost. A terrible disease is accompanied by a rapid destruction of the physical health. Pasha’s mom began phoning familiar psychologists, parents of the same geeks: how are they? Maybe something will advise? It turned out – everyone has different ways. Someone got sick too. A very talented Misha committed suicide. But Alyosha became an outstanding programmer, known throughout the world. Danya is studying at graduate school in the United States with a Nobel laureate. Kostya teaches at school for the gifted … Most received a good education, scientific power. But everyone has painful problems: not everyone wondered career, personal life does not add up … “Former Syndrome child prodigy “- as psychologists call a specific neurosis, which expressed in painful pride, desire constantly demonstrate their abilities, continuously assert themselves. “Talent is a commission from the Lord God,” said the poet Eugene Baratynsky. And the main reason for the neurosis in question is the tragic discrepancy of desire and ability to fulfill it “commission” is perhaps the only important thing on Earth. Yes their life in constant danger. Nature, generously endowed with reason, often forgets to give a chance to stay in balance with the ordinary world – and collapse into a disease occurs. Life expectancy of people creative, artistic professions (artists, writers, musicians, artists) an average of 14 years less than usual. TO this conclusion came as a result of years of research American psychiatrist professor Jim Fowles. The higher the giftedness the worse the prognosis. Genius has the worst prognosis. Geniuses – martyrs paying for the progress of mankind: Socrates, Giordano Bruno, Galileo, Van Gogh, Nikolai Vavilov … Such lives Martyrs of intellectual perfection are not easy and sometimes tragic: very rarely public recognition comes in life, persecuted severe stress, depression, high risk of mental illness (at 7-8 times higher than normal). Geniuses are insane in different eras created creative masterpieces. Gogol, Vrubel, Nizhinsky, Van Gogh, Garshin, Dostoevsky … – the listing can be continued. Paradox, but it’s precisely these people who help society make a breakthrough in science and art. Thinking outside the box, they are able to feel and formulate something inaccessible to the ordinary mind, perhaps because they are free from social pressure, from generally accepted common truths. The payback for these take-offs is unbearably heavy. AND not society is paying, but a brilliant loner. They are uncomfortable to everyone and to ourselves. They are lonely and very vulnerable. They are closest to truth (this is from Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Nostalgia”), but they are often not understand. We have heard a brilliant formula – “grief from the mind.” Her the author of the “former child prodigy” Griboedov knew what he was talking about. Although the mind is this is only one of the components of high giftedness. There’s also fragile one poorly quantifiable and creative giftedness. You can simply not notice it. And you can notice frightened, try to slow down, drive the child into ordinary framework. These are also tragic options: the lack of demand for a gift may result in a drama, an illness. Another dangerous mistake is striving some parents artificially spur development quite ordinary children. There are numerous examples, and they are sad … However, an ordinary child also has a chance to become outstanding. A lot of work, a little luck and, most importantly, favorable conditions, the friendly attitude of society. And yet the level, its quality mental labor will not be comparable to those chosen by nature carry a commission from the Lord God. Schizoid, schizo – colloquially offensive, imprinting sentence words. Yes there are people undeniably strange, with an unusual inner world, unusual abilities. They say strangely, move awkwardly, do not know how to adapt to mundane reality. From childhood they are teased and humiliated. And between schizoids are an excellent material for creative giftedness. Despite the consonance with the name of the disease – schizophrenia – they do not are sick. They are simply arranged differently and not capable adapt, get in touch with people, earn a lot. They are not like everyone, sometimes in some ways better. Schizoid often found among intellectually and creatively gifted people. Explicit schizoids were Nikolai Gumilyov, Velemir Khlebnikov, Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Nabokov, Dmitry Shostakovich, Joseph Brodsky, Boris Pasternak … Schizoids are often found among mathematicians, less commonly among more specific physicists. How brilliant brain? High giftedness, genius – it is always deviation in the structure of the brain, in mental development. According to outstanding Russian geneticist V.P. Efroimson, such a hard gift drops out to about one in a thousand, develops to the right extent one in a million, and indeed a genius becomes one of ten million. The numbers are very arbitrary, but the order of numbers, apparently, reflects the truth enough. A photo from open sources Nature seeks to make it even more perfect his favorite brainchild – Homo sapiens – is experimenting, trying, sometimes mistaken. But the carriers of these deviations are precisely the yeast on which rises the progress of human civilization. How not view this rare gift? According to the famous children’s psychologist, laureate of the State Prize Victoria Yurkevich, four years old, a child discovers 50 percent of those intellectual abilities, which are destined to manifest, to six – 70, and by eight – 90. It is at this age that you can identify giftedness. And create special conditions for her. Intelligence, creative abilities are the main national wealth. This is a long time understood Japanese who value their gifted children and do not spare funds for their training and development. In Israel there is an effective the gifted education system and it is a state a secret. An effective incentive and development system has been created in the USA giftedness. It is no coincidence that the so-called “brain drain” brain “) is directed mainly towards the United States. History humanity has accumulated enough statistical material from which suggests that child prodigies are of great value to society. The ingenious Mozart already in three years gave concerts. In published in England “Dictionary of National Biographies” of the 1030 mentioned 292 great people grew out of indisputable geeks. And only 44 of these 1030 geeks were not (meaning the rest with a considerable share probabilities were all the same). Out of 64 outstanding English 40 artists and musicians in childhood showed themselves as geeks. In France, according to statistical collections, out of 287 great people, 231 showed bright giftedness under the age of 20 years. Traced in the USA the fate of 282 gifted children, 105 of them made notable in life achievements. Alas, there are no such exact data in Russia. But remember A.C. Griboedov, at 11 years old, entered Moscow University, brilliant poet, composer, who knew many languages. Outstanding physicist L.D. Landau became a student at age 13. Child prodigies creative type were Mikhail Lermontov, Alexander Batyushkov, and from the living – Andrei Voznesensky. “Geniuses fall from heaven. And on one once he meets the gates of the palace, accounts for one hundred thousand cases when he falls by, “said the great Diderot. Otherwise saying wrong education, standard education, lack individual approach do their job. Genius is not held, from a gifted child grows a notorious, non-contact, with a severe character loser. True, there are another, lightweight version of a failed talent: a person careless, unable to work, swimming with the flow, living along lines of least resistance. The most favorable option is called normal giftedness. Experts call it high the norm when nature endowed the lucky one with everything necessary: and high ability to learn, and good adaptation to external conditions, contact, sociability, physical health, and the main thing is a good upbringing. They say about such people: “Drop it lucky in the water – and he will come up with a fish in his mouth. “May God give them even more luck! The prodigies of past nurseries and kindergarten, almost never occurs. At this tender age, the role is very important. loving mother. Will congenital manifestation in later life the giftedness of the child, partly depends on fate, but still in first of all, from society: does he need his talents? And with those parents of gifted children and teachers experience incredible difficulties in their education and training. Some ascetic parents educate such children at home. This saves the child from the inevitable school of neurosis, but dooms to loneliness. “It turned out of me unsociable and clumsy teenager with a very unstable psyche, “- writes about his life “miracle child” in the book “Former child prodigy” the creator of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, whom he taught in school and out-of-school wisdom father with a liberal education. The most amazing thing is that he managed to put one of the few successful experiments of this kind: I wanted to grow a gifted child, and raised him. But at what cost? Did father do his baby happy? Lyceum for Socrates – Unit Production One of the greatest evils for gifted children – intellectual underloading. Time irrevocably leaves every hour of which in youth age is important. Scary if due to deficiencies in the curriculum interest in schooling will disappear. If the program does not corresponds to abilities, then volitional do not form in children skills, ability to resist difficulties, habit is not fixed to constant work – everything is too easy for them. And the school should be difficult for everyone to “muscle of will” tense. Russian geeks are finally lucky. Since 1989 in Moscow at Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education laboratory dealing with such children. With her steel schools for gifted children appear, where they start engage in six years (in some – five). But the most important thing is individual programs are already being created for the development of each an unusual child, to enable him, as Hegel said, “fulfill yourself.” Teaching gifted children is not only extremely responsible, but also expensive. This is truly piece production. “Need a lot more teachers (subject training introduced from the first class), moreover, specially trained – many of them have to “finish their studies” in the course of work with children. IN grades no more than 10-12 children, mainly boys (so disposed of nature). Add to this encyclopedia for almost every child, good experimental equipment for classes in physics and chemistry. I would like to have a printing house. Already in in the preparatory class, children write lovely stories, poems, fantastic stories. How it will be interesting for them to publish in their journal of literary works, journalism and research the work of little scientists!
A photo from open sources Indeed, create and maintain educational institutions for the gifted are worth a lot of money. But for now training is free. However, such schools and lyceums would not refuse help morally gifted sponsors who can understand the problems giftedness. After all, training gifted children is not a selfish business, but moral. And what will society get? Some gifted students will become his adornment and pride, others will break the disease, others will be ordinary or even losers. And yet the third part geeks thanks (and often contrary to!) circumstances reaches in the life of the peaks. Directors of one of the lyceums for gifted children Honored Teacher of Russia Tatyana Vladimirovna Khromova for a long time Interested in gifted children. And when they brought her little Savely, who was very difficult in a regular school, she managed organize training for him according to an individual program. The boy’s unusual abilities were able to develop and strengthen. TO the difficulties of his communication with peers and with teachers were treated with understanding. At ten years old, Savely composed a textbook on physics, very interesting (today it is sometimes used in the program of this schools). And at ten years and two months, Savely Kosenko graduated from secondary school and, having entered a university, got into the Guinness Book of Records. Now he is 16, he has already graduated from college, studying at once in two faculties, and now continues to study in the USA. Then another one appeared child prodigy – Daniil Lantukhov. He successfully graduated from high school and enrolled in University, when he was not even 12 years old. Another girl from From the age of 13 he studied at the gymnasium at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Of course, no record was the goal in these cases. To such an advance is not neither teachers nor parents sought. But more often it’s simply impossible, and harmful (because of the danger of neurosis) to artificially restrain the stormy development of abilities. There are more than just obvious advances. pluses, but no less obvious disadvantages (they have already been mentioned). Therefore, one of the tasks of teachers, psychologists, doctors, whenever possible smooth out all its negative consequences: the gifted child need not admiration, but help. Today the theme is gifted in fashion. There are schools that are famously embarking on this business. His main they see the task in creating particularly comfortable conditions for training. So here. Nothing is more harmful for gifted children (and generally for children) than excessive comfort. It is no coincidence in the most elitist in the world Eton School in England has very spartan conditions. That’s Russian schools for the gifted are built on the idea of developing discomfort: you need a complex, intense activity, where even a gifted child has to sweat. Paradoxically, but uninteresting moments of classes are also necessary, children must overcome yourself by training your “strong-willed muscles.” Mental work must be difficult … N. Konovleva “Science and a life”
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