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On coastal areas of southeast China annually fall tsunamis – they are constant here and already familiar, as, say, for us spring or autumn flu epidemics. Due to lack afforestation in these places, many ordinary people living here, constantly suffering from floods. However chinese the government does nothing to make life easier common people in these areas of the PRC. Moreover, no one but themselves sufferers, and is not struggling with the effects of floods. Everything goes in its turn, one gets the feeling that a person is easy gets used to any disasters, gradually not even noticing them.
Do not confuse these roofs of houses with barges. Just no each house is so “lucky”, some go under water with the roofs.
A photo from open sources
Floods bring a lot of dirt, over time it it becomes so much that animals just fall from impotence to walk over it and wear it on yourself.
A photo from open sources
But this is far from a water park, although it is very similar. On the in fact, this Chinese guy lives here, but at the moment goes down the stairs to the street.
A photo from open sources
The terrain due to the flood turns into a kind of broth from garbage and dirt. It’s terrible, but what what can you do? ..
A photo from open sources
Flood by flood, and daily affairs have to perform, albeit with tenfold efforts.
A photo from open sources
If you are lucky with a floating sofa, you can relax from troubles and worries. Sleep is the best cure for everyone disasters …
A photo from open sources
During floods the best means of transportation becomes a boat, not a car. You can navigate through water and on improvised means.
A photo from open sources
If there was no lamppost in this “river”, then it is possible it would be counted as a normal channel, carrying its murky waters to to the sea.
A photo from open sources
Water and the flow of cars: who is faster, who is faster slower?
A photo from open sources
And even ordinary horses become in this case – marine.
A photo from open sources
And only young people, not to mention children, even in this situations are having fun and playing. Childhood, carefree, where are you, darling, get lost over the years? ..
A photo from open sources
Water Time China