Physicist Ronggia Tao of Temple University proposed defending central part of the US from a tornado by building several giant walls in the “tornado alley”. The tornado mall is called the US territory, in which are most often observed by tornadoes – as a rule, these are territories between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. It’s believed that the largest number of tornadoes occur in Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma.
A photo from open sources
Tao said that if you build three giant walls on the Middle in the western United States – one in North Dakota, one along the border between Kansas and Oklahoma and one in southern Texas and Louisiana – you can will forever reduce the threat of tornadoes in the “mall tornado. “According to the scientist, the walls should be about 300 meters in height and 45 meters wide.
A photo from open sources
The scientist believes that the most powerful tornadoes in the area arise due to collisions of northern warm air currents and southern cold. Since there are no mountains in the “tornado alley” that could weaken the air flow, some collisions are so powerful that create vortex turbulence and supercell clouds generating tornadoes. The walls would be stopped by air flows from the north and south, preventing the formation of tornadoes. IN as an example, a scientist cites China where exactly such a function perform east-west mountain ranges.
A photo from open sources
But there are other opinions. National Tornado Researcher severe storm research lab Harold Brooks states that the Tao project will not work. He noted that, despite the mountain ridges in China, there are still powerful tornadoes, in addition, some parts of the USA (Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri) also have small mountain ranges that fit the size of the proposed walls, however tornadoes still occur there.
Meteorologist Mike Smith considers collision theory false cold and warm streams, because most of the powerful lowland thunderstorms occur along a dry line where the temperature difference is minimal. In addition, Smith added that if tornadoes can pass up and down the mountains, then the walls they will not interfere.
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