A photo from open sources In Japan, they want to build just such a powerful wall that will save the population from tsunamis and repetition Fukushima accident. The length of this unique concrete complex will be four hundred kilometers and a height of fifteen meters. Such a construction will cost the Japanese nearly seven billion american dollars.
Recall that four years ago this country experienced a terrible tsunami that occurred as a result of an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean. A huge wave then covered the northeast coast of Japan, nearly a third of a million buildings were destroyed, dozens suffered thousand people, fifteen thousand died and almost five thousand Japanese gone missing.
This is what drives the supporters of this project, who, although understand certain vulnerabilities of it, but consider it “inevitable evil “, in addition, such a construction for some time will create in country additional jobs.
Opponents of the project claim that the tsunami cannot be stopped no walls, since a person can build such a barrier, focusing only on certain wave parameters, but not on its real power. And she can be any, and therefore able to sweep every obstacle in its path, like a house of cards.
The second reason is called environmental disaster, which will inevitably fall on the coastal areas where such wall. This, opponents of construction say, will be slow, but, perhaps an even more devastating tsunami.
However, when you watch what the tsunami does to people, it’s involuntary take the side of those who want to build this giant the wall …