Is it worth it to starve yourself?

Is it worth starving yourself?Photos from open sources of

Today, people, especially women, in an effort to lose weight that just does not go. This and all kinds of diets, fitness clubs, grueling exercises, raw food diet and, finally, hunger strikes.

As practice shows, the most effective in this case is therapeutic fasting. In large cities of Russia, for example, in Moscow today even has treatment centers where fasting takes place under the supervision of medical professionals. But since not in every the city, and even more so in the village or village, there are such rooms, then people often starve on their own using P. Bragg’s books, G. Malakhova and so on – on the Internet now, such literature lots of.

A photo from open sources

Bragg Hoax

It is believed that fasting is the best way that allows lose weight once and for all. And if you turn to the experience of the American a specialist in this matter, a kind of father of starvation – Bragu, it seems there’s nothing easier in the world than arranging for yourself periodic long hunger strikes.

However, this is not the case. Firstly, do not trust that Bragg speaks of himself, as well as what the Americans themselves write about him. Paul Bragg is an artificially created American symbol healthy lifestyle, and nothing more. Suffice it to say that Paul was naturally healthy, like a bull, besides for stunning attributed the audience with his youthfulness to himself fourteen years. He died not in 96 years, but in the eighty-second year of life, and certainly not riding steep waves on a surfer board. It was all invented by his cohabitant, an enterprising Patricia, who after Bragg’s death, who died of a heart attack, became the heiress of not only his wealth, but also the glory that he successfully American support.

Warning film

Despite the fact that the human body can actually live without food for many months (385 days Scottish record), not worth it to put such experiments on yourself. In the proposed Your attention to the documentary project “Starvation” tells about many pitfalls of this healing process. Let’s say why all water is not suitable for fasting (for example, distilled water, which Bragg advertises is not worth using, this is another the hoax of the Americans they cannot live without) why need to take vitamins, how to fight hunger and much another.

But most importantly, in this film a warning sounds to all those who wants to try to lose weight by fasting unattended doctor, because in this case you can not notice and go over the line after which irreversible processes in the body begin, and therefore, to save such a person is no longer possible. Know that from many people died of long hunger strikes. Therefore in desire lose weight, improve your health is better to use short-term hunger strike, go on a raw food diet, finally just stop eating everything in a row, especially refined and canned food (artificial food) that the enterprising poison us food workers.

And if you still decide on long hunger strikes, it’s better pass them in specialized offices and centers under supervision specialists.

Life Russia

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