Is your mind in control?

The manipulations of human consciousness have even been heard today first grader. What can we say about psychologists, one half of whom busy writing tutorials for professional manipulators, and the second gives practical advice on how to protect yourself from them. Logic and sobriety in this case is the best VACCINATION AGAINST MANIPULATION.

With manipulators – people trying to cause us certain emotions, feelings i.e. as they say (hurt for the living) and, Based on this, to use us for our own purposes – we have to meet almost daily.

A photo from open sources

The impact on your mind in a veiled form whether it be the soulful appeals of carrying the word of God to the masses religious missionaries or the sweet exhortations of a sphere worker network marketing purchase the “best in the world” washing powder or representative of a political party or newly minted ” friend” .

Naturally, who agrees that his consciousness is raped open! The task of such an impact is quite specific: to direct the opinions, motives and goals of a person to the right manipulator channel. In order to subsequently gain the “exercises” over the victim absolute control.

Caution: transplanting thoughts!

The more important we attach to the idea that has settled in the brain, the more confident and faster it takes root and develops. Imperceptibly for ourselves we begin to think about things, yesterday we still absolutely indifferent. You didn’t catch yourself thinking that you can’t calmly fall asleep due to the wonder-pan from the commercial? What’s in the pharmacy looking for another panacea advertised on TV, leaving without attention long-known and proven means? And fate a neighbor from the 8th floor, unhappy in marriage with an alcoholic, touched you so much so that you are already in a hurry to give the unhappy shyly a certain amount you have borrowed?

The diagnosis is clear: the technical manipulators managed to lay in your the head is a grain of obsession, or rather, an imposed idea. The stronger you “think” it, “feed” it with your energy, the more this initially alien, perhaps even hostile to you, the thought modifies traits of his new “master.” The latter, in turn, does what they wanted from him.

A few years ago, my girlfriend is a model girl and a university diploma – managed to get married. Exactly managed: the spouse, who did not bother to finish the technical school, brought poor thing to tears of nitpicking and humiliation. And clumsy de, and ownerless, and with mental abilities, alas, not happened …

Despite the frail complexion and general inferiority complex, this representative of the “strong” half of humanity nature joker endowed manipulator with talent: in a year and a half from the clever beauty remained a pale haunted shadow with the prospect of divorce and long months of communication with psychoanalyst …

This everyday example confirms the basic postulate manipulative psychotechnology: an imposed idea becomes dominant and gradually changes a person. “Author” sets strong control over the personality of the one in whose consciousness he “implanted” thought. Thus, he attaches its carrier to yourself as a new source of energy. So there are zombies.

Image slogan – brother and comrade

According to reputable psychologists, in particular, Svetlana Solonskaya, – in recent years, manipulative technologies, built on the characteristics of the human psyche, is given close attention. Highly effective developments in the field of psycholinguistics, neurolinguistic programming, Ericksonian hypnosis interferes with our subconscious. Standard a set of techniques used by professional manipulators, based on the psychology of perception.

Take at least one of the most effective ways to “rinse” brain ”- the so-called” associative binding. ” “Mounting” advertising or propaganda message, manipulators thinly calculate which associations it should cause in nothing unsuspecting consumer of information. At first sight, a single newspaper article or television show is absolutely neutral, however imperceptible details introduced into them may to direct the imagination of the audience in the right direction – causing certain associations.

As a result, the image of a product, service or candidate formed at the level of the unconscious. Aerobatics in the use of “associative binding” – skillful presentation of such kind of messages in a certain order: due to inertia human thinking impression gained from previous information block is superimposed on the next one after it. “Overgrown” additional details image (positive or negative – it doesn’t matter) is fixed in the minds of the target audience.

Experts have long noticed: it’s human nature to trust friends on the floor, the TV screen more than their own eyes and to the ears. Why look out the window and go outside – we already all will show and tell. Some even know the weather exclusively from the Internet: be at least heavy rain outside, advanced the “user” will not take an umbrella with him for anything, if the virtual the barometer shows “clearly.” It is thanks to a steady illusion “objectivity” and “credibility” presented on the screen images, television has virtually unlimited opportunities for manipulating the mass consciousness.

Feeling like a full partner in events, the average viewer is hardly aware of the nuances application of such techniques as editing, foreshortening, plan. Skillful TV people are capable of using carefully selected parts create a given image to any event.

What can we say about the notorious advertising slogans! Which of us is not I repeated in my mind, like a mantra, entrenched in the memory of an obsessive-ridiculous tongue twister? Among kriaytera and copywriters sometimes found true talents: their vibrant, often rhymed sayings improve perception and increase the memorability of the advertising message.

It does not matter what about the technical characteristics and taste advertised goods we hardly know anything: when use in his promotion of the market a successful slogan in the brain not only and not so much a particular feature is imprinted product, how much is idealized and attractive (even run and buy) image.

Rites of the Evil

In times of social instability, a considerable part of those pantaliku of psychologically unstable citizens falls under the influence the so-called pseudo-religions. Offering salvation and promising achievement of enlightenment, now popular sects skillfully manipulate the consciousness of a potential flock. Some of them considered very dangerous: experiencing a strong psychological dependence on sects, their adherents are isolated from the outside world – up to leaving families.

Once you join a similar organization, getting out of it is very difficult: the local gurus have a perfectly debugged mechanism spying on their brethren and returning the “lost sheep” to stupefied “herd.” The impact of a sect on a person can be very large: often his perception is completely changed of the world.

The obedient zombie is ready to follow any order “from above”: for the sake of to save the community, without hesitation, he will part with his convictions, with property, and sometimes with life …

Not much time has passed since the members the memorable White Brotherhood, preparing for the end of the world, gathered to perform the so-called rite of purification – and simply – mass suicide. Fortunately, in the actions of their leaders on time law enforcement agencies intervened. Follow up studies showed that young people were exposed to the unknown psychological impact.

Of course, without a specific treatment, not one mentally healthy man will not sacrifice his life in the name of a dubious idea.

By the way, the roots of blind obedience of adherents grow from gray-haired antiquity when religious sacrifices had a special mystical meaning: human beings often appeased rulers the underworld and heaven, so that they send crops or evil demons – that they do not send pestilence and drought; and in the foundations of houses being built walled up living people – for strength …

Manipulative psychotechnologies are used in various fields of our lives – from network marketing to political PR. At all the variability and specificity of techniques mass remains unchanged: skillfully juggling ideas, manipulators imperceptibly drop them into our consciousness – until the “recipient of his will” will perceive the thought imposed from the outside as his own.

Every first entered the target group …

Among pro-manipulators, there is an opinion: there are no unsuspecting people it happens. Manipulations of consciousness are subject to all, without exception – it is necessary just pick the right “key”.

The easiest way, oddly enough, to manipulate people who do not believe to nobody and nothing. Their reactions are calculated elementary, therefore, they can be managed without problems: it only costs hint to the “smart and pragmatic” nihilists that a certain the behavior model will bring them some dividends.

The task of the manipulator is many times more complicated when it meets on his way an individual with strong beliefs (in psychology, this called persistent stereotypes of behavior). However for true masters there are no barriers. True, I have to sweat. Namely: apply an individual approach (which is both troublesome and costly), and then go for a direct deception. That is, to maliciously use persistent (“solid”) stereotypes that people have.

Among the “intellectuals” there is an opinion that manipulation is easy poorly educated people give in. And they themselves, they say, are chosen and refined, have a certain immunity. Alas, down to earth professional manipulators dispelled another myth of the intelligentsia: studies have shown that the vast majority of the population as once and does not bother with the frequent change of stereotypes. Newfangled things inert inhabitants simply pass ears – the intellectual elite is always ready to perceive fresh ideas …

How to protect consciousness from “collision”

One can argue for a long time about whether consciousness control is permissible. man, – for him, man, good, – if the manipulator advocates, for example, a school teacher or wise and Enlightened ruler. Surely only one thing is known: hidden manipulations deprive the individual of freedom to a much greater extent, rather than direct coercion. Manipulated man becomes a thing.

A well-developed mechanism for protecting against these technologies, alas, does not exist. It turns out that everyone can manipulate consciousness of the neighbor with impunity?

Alas, it is. And yet there are a number of simple – but effective – techniques that are quite simple to use, thanks to which you can repel attacks on our consciousness. Thoughtful analysis and accumulated life experience. Grigory Fudim, the head Subcommittee for the study of psychotronic effects on person at NAS of Ukraine, advises first of all to try translate relationships with a potential manipulator into a framework logic.

A person trying to covertly influence someone’s consciousness, often uses the technique of “substitution of the thesis.” The antidote can be logical chains, clear questions and clarifications through which the false stereotype imposed from without is destroyed.

The manipulator seeks to capture as quickly as possible – on the fly your attention. Suspicious contact is necessary at least briefly interrupt: drink a glass of water by taking 21 sips (to calm nerves), massage the center of the neck – the most prominent part (where the “crystal of will” is located – in fact, the ultimate goal manipulations performed). You can cover the left during a conversation side of the nape of the palm.

The method of protection against manipulation at the level works perfectly thought forms: imagine what’s on your chest in the form of a luxurious the fur boa has settled down … the cat is lively, warm and shaggy. At first glance, the animal is sleeping soundly. But it costs the “enemy” make an imprudent lunge in your direction – the fluffy defender does not will slow down to release its claws …

And, of course, do not let yourself be drawn into the discussion without studying the subject is thorough. With deep knowledge, you can a couple of “killer” arguments to discourage obsessive interlocutor: manipulative psychotechnologies usually work on an emotional level. Having found in you the signs of true homo sapiens, the manipulator will hasten to retire home.

Life time

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