It became known how dangerous global warming for airplanes

It became known how dangerous global warming is for aircraftA photo from open sources

Scientists from England reported that global warming leads to increase clear sky turbulence that could be dangerous for flights and passengers themselves. Reported by Washington Post

According to the observations of scientists, the ongoing warming in the Arctic leads to lower air temperature at the poles in the lower stratosphere. In this case, the temperature rises above the equator – in the upper parts of the troposphere. High-altitude jet stream from west to east increases due to the resulting temperature difference between equator and pole. In the lower layers of the troposphere, the process proceeds on the contrary, the temperature decreases and the jet decreases flow.

These two processes compensate each other, but according to the latter observations of scientists, there is an increase in wind shear, speed and whose direction changes significantly at a relatively small plot of the atmosphere. In this case, the upper stream flows without changes, and the bottom is weakened.

As a result of the foregoing, scientists summed up, with each year, aircraft experience an increasing speed drop the wind. According to observations since 1979, the vertical wind shear increased by 15 percent.

Climate models presented by scientists predict intensification of clear sky turbulence by the middle of the 21st century in two or three times. However, this phenomenon does not entail a catastrophe, but may it is dangerous to injure aircraft passengers.

Andrey Vetrov

Global Warming Aircraft

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