It turns out fasting slows down aging

It turns out fasting slows down aging.Photos from open sources of

Before Great Lent began in Russia, as an international research team led by molecular biologist Juan Carlos Ispisua Belmonte of the Institute for Biological Research Salk in California published in the scientific journal Cell curious data. It turns out the low-calorie diet is really positively affects the body at the cellular level. 

AS usual, the researchers did not put their experiment on humans, but on rats. They selected two identical groups of 28 rodents and put them on different diets. Moreover, for nine months nutrition of the first group was reduced by 30%, while the second the group had breakfast, lunch and dinner as before. At the beginning The experimental animals were 18 months old. According to scientists, in terms of human age, this corresponds to 50-70 years.

Then, during the experiment, scientists in total analyzed about 170 thousand different cells that were taken from various tissues of rats – the liver, bones and even the brain. The results were unequivocal: 57% of age-related changes, manifested in rats on a normal diet were not found in rats, who fasted. Their cells remained younger in terms of inflammation, immunity and fat metabolism. As a result, for the first time in history has been proven that fasting really slows down aging.

In addition, during the experiment, experts discovered a certain fasting protein that positively affects activity of 23 different cell types. Perhaps in the future thanks a new drug that will slow down this discovery aging. So everyone who wants to extend their life will be able to dispense with a post.

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