A photo from open sources
Scientists from Houston (USA) analyzed the influence of the rocky mountains on carbon dioxide level in the Earth’s atmosphere. It was previously believed that plutons – accumulations of magma located along the edges of continents of our planet, partly affect global warming.
New data show that the formed magmatic rocks balance warming processes over long geological time. Rock Formations Absorb carbon dioxide in rainwater and let it down sea bottom.
When weathering and erosion of rock formations occur, then they absorb carbon even more from the atmosphere, blowing all organic material to the bottom.
Geologists have shown that rock weathering in places leads to dissolution of up to 50% of the mass of the destroyed material. Given these data, experts were able to find out what speed the weathering of plutons completely quenches the processes of warming due to volcanic activity of approximately 40-50 million years.
ESOREITER previously talked about the displacement of the sea current. Gulf Stream to the east.
Andrey Vetrov
Global warming