Japan has created a virtual reality system, allowing to inhabit a foreign body

Scientists from the laboratory of Ikei Graduate School of Systems Tokyo Metropolitan University created a unique virtual reality system that can act on the five senses of the human body … Photos from open sources System developers talk about achieving a new level of virtualization, which implies not only transmits audio and video data to humans, but uses the sense of smell, touch and sense of movement that may be used to organize virtual travel, during which a person can be in, as it were, in another body, teaching information about all his feelings, feeling the impact on him environment, etc. Unique installation includes headphones, 3D monitor, fans that create air movement and smells, as well as a footrest and a chair with the necessary mobility, able to deviate from a vertical position and to carry out a vibrational effect on a person. Combination of these opportunities allows you to convey to a person real feelings that he feels in ordinary life, but only received and transmitted virtual system. The system developed by the Japanese is capable of perspective to revolutionize the gaming industry. Not less promising is its use for virtual travel, allowing people to visit anywhere on Earth, to see, hear and feel all his charms and leave in his memory a lot of pleasant impressions, without making any special physical effort. About this writes the site Moscow – Third Rome with reference to S2 – News for geeks.


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