A photo from open sources During an experiment called Network Brain Machine Interface, it was enough for a person to imagine the movements that he makes with his right or left hand to translate thought into real action. Management apparatus objects invented by ATR scientists in Japanese by the power of thought Kyoto, Japanese media reported. The device is a semblance caps with wires and sensors, they read the slightest vibrations circulatory system and impulses of the brain. During experiment called Network Brain Machine Interface, human it was enough to imagine the movements that he makes right or left hand to translate the thought into real action. So, during the experiment, with one force of thought, without moving, a person could make a wheelchair in the right place direction, open the curtain, turn the TV on and off and the light in the room. Information about brain impulses is read a device placed in a wheelchair, and from there it enters a database where it is analyzed and where the order comes from or other object in the room also equipped with a reading device. It takes six to turn thought into action up to 12 seconds, however, developers count in three years bring the speed to one second. Order accuracy accounts for 70-80%. According to the company’s plan, by 2020 it could be industrial production of this device has begun. The device must make life easier for people with mobility problems, single and elderly.
Time Power of Thought Japan