Disastrous North Japan Earthquake in March 2011, did not completely discharge the accumulated in this zone tectonic stresses, and in the next year and a half here expect a new earthquake with a magnitude of about 9.0, RIA reports News with reference to seismologist Alexey Lyubushin from the Institute Physics of the Earth named after Schmidt.
A photo from open sources
He presented his report at the European Conference Geophysical Union in Vienna. Lyubushin conducted an analysis of low-frequency seismic noise in this region, collected by a network of 78 specialized seismic broadband stations (network F-net). The results of the analysis showed that quite high tectonic stresses. “Nankai Basin Region not far from Tokyo could be the site of the next earthquake in 2013-2014, “the report says.
9.0 magnitude earthquake in northeast Japan March 11 2011 received the official name of the Great Earthquake East Japan. It caused a gigantic tsunami that surpassed everything scientists predicted: the wave height was more than 15 meters. Dead and 18,549 thousand people are missing. Partially or about 380 thousand buildings were completely destroyed.
Earthquake japan