Japan opens the world’s first hotel with Android Robot Staff

The first hotel in the world with staff from android robots opens in JapanA photo from open sources

Imagine that in the hotel in which you decide to stay, You will be served not by ordinary people, but by a team of robots. I.e, luggage, housekeeping, ordering coffee and more – all this not people will do it, but androids! Many will say that this is only fantasy or dream, however the developers of the new hotel, located in the Nagasaki theme park (Japan), hope make this dream a reality. Henna-na Hotel (which translates “strange hotel”) is partially equipped with androids that will to perform the work of the maintenance staff: waiters, movers, janitors, wardrobes and even reception managers. Bots developed at the University of Osaka (Japan), and manufactured – employees of the Japanese robotic company Kokoro. Androids can freely communicate in several languages: in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Many of the robots have the appearance of a young Japanese girl. In addition, so that customers do not felt creepy, while communicating with people, robots imitate human facial expressions, gestures and even eye movements. Visitors who still prefer a society of people will be serve 10 “normal” people from the hotel staff. A hotel equipped with androids will become part of the thematic a park called Huis Ten Bosch. If desired, hotel guests will not be able to access their numbers using a regular key, and using software that recognizes faces. The creators of the smart hotel do not plan to attract visitors not only the latest technological developments, but also the location complex, which is surrounded by nature. They are sure that Many guests will appreciate this combination. If the hotel will catch on, soon such hotels will not appear only in Japan, but around the world. If equipped with robots the hotel will be a success, then in the near 2016 another similar complex will be opened. It is worth noting that the cost of a room at the Henna-na hotel starts at $ 60 US, which significantly lower than other hotels, the cost of which starts at $ 170 – $ 255.

Time Robots Japan

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